Experimental Evaluation of Temperature Effects on Detarium microcarpum, Brachystegia eurycoma and Pleurotus Biomaterial Mud
K. C. Igwilo, G. O. Osueke, S. T. A. Okolie, P. A. L. Anawe, Okoli Nnanna
Biomaterial Mud, Polyanionic Mud, Detarium microcarpum, Brachystegia eurycoma, Pleurotus
Open Journal of Yangtze Oil and Gas,
Vol.2 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Three sets of drilling fluids were formulated from biomaterials such as Detarium microcarpum, Brachystegia eurycoma and Pleurotus. The laboratory measurements were carried out on plastic viscosity, yield point and fluid loss exposed at required temperatures and then evaluated. The field Polyanionic cellulose additive that is currently in use was also formulated and used as a control sample to biomaterial products. Xanthan gumpolymer on equal concentration was added to both muds. The three sets of muds comprises the one without weighting material and the ones weighted up with calcium carbonate and barite respectively for both biomaterial mud and Polyanionic mud were examined as per American Petroleum Institute Standard. The graphs of the rheological properties and fluid loss against temperature were plotted. It was shown from the plots that the yield point and plastic viscosity decreased with increase in temperature while fluid loss increased with increase in temperature for both biomaterial mud and Polyanionic mud. It was also shown from the tables that the plastic viscosity and yield point are slightly better than the Polyanionic mud but less active in fluid loss than the Polyanionic mud.