Damage to Salamandra infraimmaculata Populations by Human Activity in Creating Water Pits Is a Death Trap in Semi-Arid Habitats
Gad Degani, Udi Grosman, Tali Goldberg, Nadav Hanegbi
Amphibia, Body Mass, Israel, Migration, Reproduction Cycle, Salamandra
Open Journal of Animal Sciences,
Vol.9 No.1,
ABSTRACT: The different breeding sites of Salamandra infraimmaculata on the southern border of its distribution were examined and mapped in
order to estimate the damage caused by water holes that could represent death
traps for salamanders in xeric habitats. Among the various types of breeding
sites (springs, streams, water holes, winter pools and reservoirs), the larvae
of salamanders were detected in high numbers in springs and streams (503) and
water holes (48), and in relatively low numbers in winter pools. Two water
holes were examined in detail to estimate the damage caused to S.
infraimmaculata where breeding places are limited. During the winter, both
males and females enter a water hole for breeding. The percentage of males in
and around the water hole was 42% and that of females 29%. After the
salamanders’ oviposition in the water, they try to return to terrestrial
habitats, but are unable to do so and lose weight and die. The body mass index
(BMI) of salamanders decreases from winter (December) after they move to the
water hole to spring (April), when they are found in the water hole. The
estimation of potential damage is about 300 mature salamanders annually.