Understanding the Employees Acceptance on Online Training for Basic Managerial Finance
Fairus Hamdan, Norazah Nordin, Fariza Khalid
Online Training, MOOC, Lifelong Learning, Managerial Finance
Creative Education,
Vol.10 No.6,
The latest educational platform that supports teaching and learning in this 21st Century is Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) that seen as an effective and supportive future learning environment. To date, Openlearning.com has served as an established MOOC for educational online platform. The emergence of educational based technology seems can be benefited for employees empowerment. Towards this extent, our online training is used to enhance their managerial skills and training related task. Thus, this study is to explore the level of acceptance of the online corporate training via MOOCs due to the remaining gap between intention and behavior in the online training via MOOC setting. The acceptance of technology is assessed using online survey based on the modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) factors. The respondents were 94 employees. The result was statistically significant and the insight of the intention to use the MOOC as online training platform was significantly accepted for improving skills on basic managerial finance.