A Review of Continuous Relevance of the Traditional Methods of Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Southeast of Nigeria
Igwe Onyebuchi Igwe, Kevin Onwuka Udude, Ogah Chinyere Constance
Tradition, Dispute Resolution, Southeast, Nigeria
Beijing Law Review,
Vol.11 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Dispute Resolution method like culture is a way of life. Every method is special to people based on their value orientation and the desire to preserve social norms. Before the advent of colonial rule and regular court system to Nigeria, Southeast of Nigeria had a system of dispute resolution mechanism adjudged to be simple, inexpensive and friendly. Resolutions of disputes were handled by family heads, village heads, elders, kindred, age grade, council of elders, chiefs, chief priests, judicial council among others. The practice was very strong until it was watered-down by the advent of colonial administration and regular court system. The end product was the introduction of western methods of dispute resolution in Nigeria which have remained in constant battle with the tradition of the people Southeast of Nigeria. This work became imperative in view of strong calls to return to indigenous methods of dispute resolution in Southeast Nigeria. The aim of this is to ensure that parties to a dispute amicably resolve their differences outside the normal courtroom processes. This paper was commenced by investigating into various traditional means of dispute resolution in Southeast.