Distribution of Radioactive Elements and Their Relation to the Radiogenic Heat Production at Jabal Kharazah Area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt
Mohamed A. Shaheen
Radiogenic Heat Production RHP, Jabal Kharazah Area, Airborne Spectral Gamma-Ray
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,
Vol.8 No.4,
ABSTRACT: A map of radiogenic heat production RHP was constructed from airborne spectral gamma-ray data of Jabal Kharazah area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt. The study area possesses a range of RHP varying from 0.2 to 5.7 μW/m-3 with an average value 1.38 μW/m-3, while the standard deviation value is 0.7 μW/m-3. The maximum values are associated with the acidic rocks in the northeast, southeast and a small portion in the northwest zones. About 68% of the readings are higher than the average RHP value in the area, thus Jabal Kharazah area can be considered as heat production area due to the relatively high radioactive mineral concentrations. There are excellent relationships between the derived RHP and the three radioactive elements, Uranium (eU), Thorium (eTh) and Potassium (K).