Factors influencing parent satisfaction with preventive health services for the early detection of speech and language delay in preschool children
Isabelle Bairati, François Meyer, Cheikh Bamba Dieye Gueye, Chantal Desmarais, Nancie Rouleau, Audette Sylvestre
Consumer Satisfaction; Preventive Health Services; Early Intervention; Language Development Disorders
Open Journal of Preventive Medicine,
Vol.1 No.3,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify parent and child characteristics which could influence parent satisfaction with preventive health services designed to detect preschool children with speech and language (SL) delay. This study was conducted on 101 children aged 18 to 36 months who participated in an organized SL delay early detection program. Validated instruments were used to assess children’s and parents’ characteristics. Satisfaction was evaluated using the client satisfaction questionnaire for the three activities of the program: 1) a public information session about SL development, 2) parent training sessions for parents concerned by their child SL development, and 3) a child’s SL assessment. Multiple logistic regressions were used to identify all independent factors (p