Unicentric Castleman’s Disease Presenting as Retroperitoneal Pelvic Lymph Node in Young Female—Laparoscopic Excision: A Case Report
Divyesh V. Shukla, Shilpi D. Shukla, Amit Shah, Sangita Patel, Salome Shukla
Laparoscopic Surgery, Unicentric Castleman’s Disease, Adnexal Mass
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Vol.10 No.11,
ABSTRACT: Unicentric
Castleman’s disease (UCD) is localized lymphoproliferative disease and has favourable
prognosis. Surgery offers complete cure of unicentric Castleman disease.
Radiotherapy offers either complete response or variable clinical response and
cure in selected patients. The present case report is of a young unmarried
obese girl presented with pain in right iliac fossa for 2 months. On pelvic
ultrasound and MRI performed for diagnosis only single enlarged right external
iliac lymph node was the positive finding. The CT scan guided biopsy was
performed and the histopathological finding was lymphoid lesion-reactive
lymphoid hyperplasia is favoured over Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Successful
laparoscopic complete excisional surgery was performed for this single enlarged
external iliac lymph node. The final histopathological report of the lymph node
removed was unicentric Castleman’s disease, hyaline vascular type. This is the
16th such reported case of pelvic retroperitoneal
UCD of hyaline vascular type treated by surgical excision, and 3rd case treated
by Laparoscopic excisional surgery. By now at the time of reporting this case 4
months of follow up has been completed and patient does not have any symptom
nor not show any sign of residual disease locally on transabdominal ultrasound
examination and whole-body PET CT scan is also normal.