Identification of Aquifer Properties in the Eastern Part of Kushtia District, Bangladesh
Md. Shahinuzzaman, M. Nozibul Haque, Khan M. Nasir Uddin, M. Alibuddin
Groundwater, Aquifer, Pumping Test, Transmissivity, Hydraulic Conductivity, Hydraulic Diffusivity, Specific Yield, Radius of Influence, Specific Yield
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,
Vol.8 No.11,
ABSTRACT: The present study has been undertaken to depict spatial distribution of different aquifer parameters in the eastern part of Kushtia district through a detailed hydrogeological survey. For this investigation, 119 lithologs and 92 pumping test data have been used. These data have been processed, analyzed, interpreted and krigged for the spatial assessment of the aquifer properties viz. transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic diffusivity, specific yield, radius of influence, and specific drawdown. It is seen from the investigation that the transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity values obtained from the pumping tests of the wells are varying from 1811 m2/day to 2568 m2/day and 32.5 m/day and 61.5 m/day respectively, the hydraulic diffusivity being ranging from 181,143 m2/day to 256,788 m2/day. The estimated specific yield of 17.97% - 23.46% supports that the area is dominated with coarse grained sands. This study reveals that the distribution of deep tube wells in the area are not within the radius of influence (638 - 760 m) each other, but few shallow and hand tube wells existed within the radius of influence. The estimated specific draw down is varying from 57 m/cumec to 126.1 m/cumec. From the overall analysis, it is found that the area is favorable for groundwater exploration.