Arab Charter on Human Rights & International Conventions
Junxiang Mao, Ammar Ahmad Ahmad Gady
Human Rights, Death Penalty, Religious Freedom, Women Rights
Beijing Law Review,
Vol.12 No.2,
ABSTRACT: This paper will focus on the differences between the basic of the Arab Charter on Human Rights and the framework for its relationship with the United Nations Instruments on Human Rights. This charter represents the Islamic religion approach for human rights (Islamic law, also known as Sharia law). These differences explored whether or not there is a compatible between them and whether the Muslim States can comply Arab Charter on Human Rights while still adhering to Islamic law. Although there are some differences in applying human rights, that does not create a general state of dissonance between Islamic law and international human rights law like the death penalty, religious freedom, and equality between man and woman. Many Jurists and western researchers insist that Islamic law opposes or conflicts with international conventions on human rights. It is argued that the differences would be easier to address if the concept of human rights were positively established from within the themes of Islamic law rather than imposing it as a concept alien to Islamic law.