Forensic Notion of the Trauma-Related Dissociation
Vito Zepinic
Dissociation, Complex Trauma Syndrome, Traumatic Memories, Alterations, Amnesia
Beijing Law Review,
Vol.12 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Research and clinical experience reveals that severe traumatisation may cause development of Complex Trauma Syndrome (complex PTSD) with the trauma-related dissociation, which is often associated to the severe violence or crimes. Unlike other types of the dissociation or dissociative disorders, this subject matter is the most relevant to forensic psychiatry as severely traumatised individuals (with a history of dissociation) are often subjects of the court proceedings—dissociation has legal repercussions for relevance to the legal constructs of the accused’s responsibility for the wrongdoing. Trauma victim’s behaviour during dissociative flashbacks is quite unpremeditated and uncharacteristic, and does not appear to be an alternative motive as the most individuals experience amnesia for the episode, nor they are aware of the re-enacted trauma experiences. This article provides views and nature of the trauma-related dissociation and its forensic implications on trauma victim legal standing.