Pyrene Nanocrystals Crystallized by a Continuous Flow Microreactor
Norihito Doki, Masaaki Yokota
Crystal Size, Pyrene Nanocrystals, Continuous Process
Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,
Vol.9 No.11,
ABSTRACT: Pyrene solution and distilled water were flowed through a microreactor at a predetermined flow rate to generate pyrene crystals. Pyrene nanocrystals were crystallized by a Continuous Flow Microreactor. The particle size and luminescence properties of pyrene nanocrystals produced were evaluated. The crystal mean size between 60 nm and 400 nm could be controlled by the operating conditions. The crystal mean size decreased with increasing flow rate and solution concentration. In addition, the crystal morphology also changed. In the case of slow flow conditions, a needle-like crystal morphology was obtained. The crystal morphology became spherical on increasing the flow rate. Pyrene crystals with size about 400 nm exhibited luminescence at about 470 nm. As the crystal size decreased, the intensity of the luminescence also declined. The luminescence wavelength was in the range of about 370 to 400 nm.