UHAS-MIDA Software Package: Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis-Applying the Inverse Matrix for the Determination of Stable Isotopes of Chromium Distribution during Red Blood Cell Labelling
Daniel A. Abaye, Emmanuel B. Odoom, Ernest Y. Boateng, Irene A. Agbo, John-Bosco Diekuu, Samuel Agana
Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis, Inverse Matrix, GC/MS, Chromium Stable Isotopes, Blood Volume, Red Blood Cell Mass
Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing,
Vol.10 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Clinical assessment of fluid volume status in children during malaria can
be taxing and often inaccurate. During malaria, changes in fluid volume are
rather multifarious and estimating this parameter, especially in sick children
is very challenging for clinicians who frequently rely on indices such as long capillary refill times, tachycardia, central venous pressure and
decreased urine volume as guides. Here, we present the UHAS-MIDA, an open-source
software tool that calculates the red blood cell (RBC) concentration and blood
volume during malaria in children determined using a stable isotope of chromium
(53Cr as the label) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in
selective ion monitoring (GC/MS-SIM) analysis. A key component involves the
determination of the compositions of the most abundant naturally occurring
isotopes of Cr (50Cr, 52Cr, 53Cr), and
converting the proportions into a 3 × 3 matrix. To estimate unknown proportions
of chromium isotopic mixtures from the measured abundances of three ions, an
inverse matrix was calculated. The inverse together with several inputs is then
used to calculate the corrected MS ion abundances. Thus, we constructed the
software tool UHAS- MIDA using
HTML, CSS/Bootstrap, JavaScript, and
PHP scripting languages. The tool enables the user to efficiently determine RBC
concentration and fluid volume. The source code, binary packages and associated
materials for UHAS-MIDA are freely available at