A Study on Goods and Services Tax Reforms, Its Enactment, Implementation and Administration in Sierra Leone
Abu Kai Kamara, Sheriff Kamara
Taxation, Goods and Services Tax, Tax Reforms, National Revenue Authority
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.10 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Business formation, expansion, and operations are affected as a result of tax reforms. Sierra Leone Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a modern form of sales tax, a tax on the consumption of imported and locally produced goods and services. GST is chargeable at every stage of production, distribution, and supply. GST is not a new tax in Sierra Leone, it’s a replacement of seven taxes by simplifying and streamlining indirect taxation and reducing the cost of administration of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), government and businesses. This paper has the aim of researching the enactment, implementation, administration, and revenue collections of GST in Sierra Leone and its effect on revenue collection. The study used an exploratory end ex-facto design methodology and data collection used a secondary approach through the Monitoring, Research and Planning (MRP) department of the NRA also extractions were done the through desk survey method, review of available records, and related literature. There are still challenges with tax reform implementation and administration, like most developing countries Sierra Leone has a narrow tax base which reduces potential revenues and results in dependence on a small section of society, and international support, and also GST reform has a lot of weaknesses and compromises find reveals. Broadening the tax base, consultation, discussion, and education of taxpayers and consumers at large will be a key way to reduce the challenges.