Germination and Seed Viability of Helichrysum maracandicum Popov Ex Kirp. Sterilized under in Vitro Conditions
Normat Khasanov, Bakhtiyor Kodirov, Yigitali Tashpulatov, Alisher Khujanov, Zafar Ismailov, Dustmurod Ulashyev
Helichrysum maracandicum, in Vitro, Inoculum, Sterilization, Seedling Viability
American Journal of Plant Sciences,
Vol.14 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Most medicinal plants are on the verge of
extinction. In this regard, biotechnology is facing the challenge of developing
alternative ways to produce biomass with the desired Biological active
substance. The maximum yield of high growth performance of the cell culture
mainly depends on the selection of optimal ratios and concentrations of growth
regulators. This problem, namely the search for the optimal composition of the
nutrient medium has become one of the main tasks in the cultivation of H. maracandicum Popov ex Kirp plant
cells. Methods and results of seed sterilization of H. maracandicum are discussed in the article. This endemic, rare
species of medicinal plant from the flora of Uzbekistan family Asteraceae
Dumotr has a unique composition of secondary metabolites. For example, from
the biomass of immortelle were isolated flavonoids, coumarins, lipids, phenols,
purines, steroids, triterpenoids, glycosides, coumarins, cerines, bitter
tannins, essential oils, etc. Used in folk medicine for cholecystitis and
diseases of the liver, bladder, and gastrointestinal tract.