Analysis of a Two-Stage Negative Binomial Group Testing Model for Estimating the Prevalence of a Rare Trait
Francis Mwangi Kariuki, Ronald Waliaula Wanyonyi, Ali Salim Islam
Group Testing, Prevalence, Retesting, Inverse Sampling
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.10 No.6,
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the analysis of a two-stage negative binomial group testing estimator of the prevalence of a rare trait when imperfect diagnostic tests with known sensitivity and specificity were used. The study utilized the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to obtain the estimator and the Cramer-Rao lower bound method to compute the Fischer information of the estimator. The properties of the constructed estimator are discussed and the efficiency of the constructed estimator relative to other estimators in pool testing scheme was determined by computing the Asymptotic Relative Efficiency (ARE) and the Relative Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The procedure was illustrated, and the model was verified by performing Monte Carlo simulations using R programming language.