The Effect of Implicit Attitude on Self-Concept, Emotional Intelligence, Personality Characteristics and Ego Defense Styles
Mahmood Amirinia, Parisa Aghazadeh, Ali Baseri
Emotional Intelligence, Personality, Self-Concept, Implicit Attitude, Ego Defense
Vol.15 No.1,
This study was carried out to assess the effect of other implicit
attitudes about one’s self-concept on his/her self-concept, emotional
intelligence, personality and ego defense mechanisms in bank employees with
high emotional intelligence compared with ones with low emotional intelligence.
This study involved 153 participants. Subjects were classified into two
experimental groups and one control group. The Beck’s self-concept inventory,
Bar-On emotional intelligence inventory, Defense Styles Questionnaire and NEO
Personality Inventory-Revised were applied to assess self-concept, emotional
intelligence, ego defense styles and personality characteristics of middle
participants of Mellat Bank branches, in Tehran, Iran. The control pre and
post-test designs were performed for this
study. The research data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, partial correlation, ANCOVA and
MANCOVA with a significant level of 0.05. All experimental groups
received Beck’s self-concept inventory. The analysis showed significant
reduction (pre-test to post-test) in low EQ experimental group, enhancing
immature defense style and also, partial correlation of Beck self-concept with
ego defensive styles, NEO-PI-R, Bar-On EQ-I and its components with controlling
of gender and educational level in adult bank employees at the shows that in
the result, a very much stronger negative
correlation between Beck’s self-concept with neuroticism (N) and positive correlation
with extraversion (E), conscientiousness (C), Bar-On EQ-I, intrapersonal
intelligence, general mood and immature defense style and no significant correlation
was observed between openness (O), agreeableness (A), interpersonal
intelligence, adaptability, stress management, mature and neurotic defense