Easing the Stress and Challenges in Conventional Pediatric Plain X-ray Imaging in Ghana
Asare Adomako, Esther Boatemaa Adom, Maurice Sasil Ninsau
Pediatric Radiology, Anxiety, Stress, Radiation, Challenges
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.11 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Background: Pediatric imaging in Ghana remains one of the biggest challenges for radiographers. The stress and challenges involved in the imaging of pediatric patients make it one of the unattractive areas for radiographers in the profession. Sedation has been one of the most resorted ways to minimize the anxiety and fear of pediatric patients usually undergoing CT and MRI. The challenge remains in the field of plain X-ray imaging. This literature review addresses the various challenges radiographers encounter in imaging pediatrics and some ways to minimize the stress and challenges encountered to improve quality diagnostic healthcare delivery, patient and parent satisfaction, and safe radiation-based examination practices. Objectives: To identify common sources of stress in pediatric patients, some common challenges radiographers face in imaging pediatric patients, and ways to ease the stress and challenges involved in the imaging of pediatric patients. Methods: Literature searches were done using Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct to search for relevant articles concerning the topic. Articles that addressed at least 1 of the following; stress in pediatric radiology, managing pediatric radiology stress, challenges in pediatric imaging, minimizing anxiety, and stress levels in pediatric radiology were included. Conclusion: The quality of pediatric plain X-ray imaging can be improved when the various ways and strategies to minimize the stress and challenges involved are implemented in our various radiology departments in the hospitals in the country.