SHRIMP zircon age of the high aeromagnetic anomaly zone in central Tarim Basin and its geological implications
Guanghui Wu, Zhiyong Chen, Tailai Qu, Yanlong Xu, Chengze Zhang
Tarim Plate; Precambrian; Basement; SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Dating; Supercontinent
Natural Science,
Vol.4 No.1,
ABSTRACT: In order to get the correct isotopic age, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon date of Precambrian hornblende granite in Well TD2, located in the central aeromagnetic belt in the eastern of the Tarim basin, was carried out. The result showed a dependable age of 1908.2 ± 8.6 Ma, which demonstrated that the granite pluton is the result of the magmatic activity in early Palaeoproterozoic. It is indicated that the central aeromagnetic belt across Tarim basin, divided it into north and south block, is formed before Neoproterozoic by a large scale tectonothermal events based on the seismic and drilling date. The Tarim continent may have different age and type basements formed the united crystalline basement in Precambrian. This result has yielded new intraplate evidence to constrain the relation between the Tarim plate and the Colombia supercontinent.