Factors of Acceptance for Mobile Learning in Corporate Settings: An Empirical Investigation in Banking Industry
Ayse Kok
M-Learning; Mobile Learning; Corporate Training; Acceptance
Intelligent Information Management,
Vol.5 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Due to the proliferation of mobile technology and devices like smartphones and tablet PCs into our daily lives, m-learning attracts also more attention in professional training in enterprises. Derived from these statements, this research paper is focused on the following question: what are acceptance factors for m-learning (mobile learning) in the organizational setting? The paper analyzes a real experience in m-learning for training the banking personnel in an international banking institution in Turkey. For this purpose, a mobile virtual learning environment called as mFOR@ was developed and implemented, which was designed to support the training and development process for employees using Pocket PCs. The participants of the training activity (13 professionals) evaluated the m-learning experience via a semi-structured interview; all the content and interactions within mFOR@ were analyzed via content analysis. As a basis for a successful implementation in professional training in enterprises, the acceptance by decision makers and the learners is critical. That is the reason why I present a qualitative analysis of acceptance and the perceived value of m-learning in a corporate setting.