‘I Don’t Want My Straight Friends at Pride’Ah, yes, Pride season — a time for us to come together as a community and argue about “spaces” and who or what is acceptable in them.
‘How Do I Make Friends As an Adult?’Here it is, the ¡Hola Papi! friendship field guide for people whose backs are just starting to make alarming noises.
‘Can I Cut My New ‘Friend’ Off?’Our time and attention are precious resources, and if it feels like someone isn’t honoring yours, you should nip that in the bud.
‘I Don’t Think My Partner’s Attracted to Me’He’s never said he doesn’t see you as beautiful. Consider that perhaps your own insecurities and anxieties are coloring how you perceive his behavior.
‘What If No One Wants Me After I Transition?’Being wanted feels great, but when it comes at the expense of your own needs, when it demands that you deny your true self, it stops being worth it.
‘He’s Pushing Me Away. Should I Take the Hint?’Sticking around might seem noble, but you also might just be enabling him. He needs to understand that his words and actions have consequences.
‘My Boyfriend Dumped Me Out of the Blue’Whether you like it or not, time will dull the ache. People can and do come out the other side of this situation all the time.
‘I Hooked Up With My Ex. Now What?’I don’t think you need a particularly wise advice columnist to tell you that sleeping with your ex is a bad idea, right?
‘I Transitioned, But I Still Feel Like a Phony’It’s good when we don’t have to struggle like we used to, so long as those struggles inspire solidarity with those who aren’t in the same place.