The objective of the Member States Website is to improve communication between UNESCO and its Member States, notably the Permanent Delegations and National Commissions, by giving a privileged entry point to specific and sought after functions and content.

This website complements UNESCO’s already-existing Internet Portal (for the public at large) and the Intranet site (for the Secretariat members).

The content of this website has open access. However, there are a limited number of services that are directly addressed to Member States, namely to Permanent Delegations and National Commissions, available at UNESCO for Member States, for which a log-in and a password are requested.

We hope the site will continue to evolve and be improved with additional content and functions that will emerge from your views, comments and feedback. You can email suggestions to:

The Organization has 194 Member States and 12 Associate Members
UNESCO Headquarters - Flags and Globe
UNESCO’s Core Data Portal
Core Data Portal
Structured Financing Dialogue with Member States
world partner, world help, hands on
UNESCO Graphical Standards and Logo Toolkit for Permanent Delegations and National Commissions

UNESCO Sites & Data

Intangible Cultural Heritage
Biosphere Reserves
Memory of the World
Creative Cities Network
Global Geoparks
Data for the Sustainable Development Goals