Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Unicode
Mountain View, CA, July 2, 2007 -- The Unicode® Consortium announces a new project to make the United Nation's Universal
Declaration of Human Rights available on the web, in as many languages as possible, using the power of Unicode.
Unicode is ideally suited for this project because it is the universal character set, able to represent all languages of the world.
The initial collection for the UDHR in Unicode project now contains more than 300 languages from Abkhaz to Zulu. For each language,
the text of the UDHR is made available in the following Unicode-based formats: XML, plain text, HTML, and PDF. There are also links
to resources for the languages, such as dictionaries and grammars.
The Consortium is calling for participation to help complete this work, particularly by language experts, to improve and refine the data.
Information on how you can participate can be found on the project's website at
The UDHR in Unicode project makes the Declaration more accessible world-wide by providing a uniform, easily searchable, standards-based set of translations.
The Unicode community will also benefit by having access to a multi-lingual corpus, which can be used to test Unicode implementations, in particular
for less widely used languages.
For more information on the Unicode Standard, please visit
About the Unicode Consortium
The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization founded to
develop, extend and promote use of the Unicode Standard and related
globalization standards.
The membership of the consortium represents a broad spectrum of
corporations and organizations in the computer and information
processing industry. Members are: Adobe Systems, Apple, Basis
Technology, Denic e. G., Google, Government
of India - Ministry of Information Technology, Government of
Pakistan - National Language Authority, Government of Tamil Nadu - Tamil Virtual University, HP, IBM, Justsystem,
Microsoft, Monotype Imaging, Oracle, SAP, Sun Microsystems,
Sybase, The University of California at Berkeley, Yahoo, and
over 100 Associate, Liaison, and Individual
For more information, please contact the Unicode Consortium