Unicode® Email Distribution Lists
The Unicode Consortium hosts a number of email distribution lists,
of which are open to members and non-members alike.
Some of the public lists are hosted
directly on the corp.unicode.org subdomain, some are Google Groups, while others are hosted on the
ICU Project website.
Everyone is welcome to join the public email lists below to pose questions
to the community of Unicode and ICU users. To prevent problems with
spam, you must first subscribe to a list to post messages to it.
Links in the table below will take you to web pages with
details about particular mail lists, including information
subscribing and unsubscribing.
List Name |
Brief Description |
unicode@corp.unicode.org |
Public discussion list for The Unicode Standard and general
internationalization issues |
cldr-users@unicode.org |
Public discussion list for
internationalization issues related to locales,
including in particular the Unicode Common Locale Data
Repository (CLDR) |
ICU Contacts and Mail Lists |
Discussion / mail lists for the
ICU project, hosted on the ICU Project website. |
Users may wish to adjust
any mail filters appropriately and check spam folders to confirm
As a courtesy to others on the list, please check the following
relevant pages before posting your questions. These useful pages
contain answers to many common questions:
Frequently asked
Where is my
Versions of
the Unicode Standard
Unicode Technical
On the pages for each of the public mail lists mentioned above
are some instructions and pages for subscribing and
To send messages to a list:
1. You must subscribe to the list
2. You must send your messages from the address with which
you subscribed.
The mail lists are closed to outside posting, to prevent
problems with spam.
Note: Initial subscriptions are added in the moderated state, and
after the subscriber's first message is submitted, moderation is removed. This
form of moderation is temporary and prevents unsolicited automated mail from
reaching the list. Because of this, your first message to a mail list may
take some time to be posted, usually no more than a day.
The lists have occasional lulls during which only a message or
two per day might be posted, but have also been subject to heavy
periods where more than twenty messages per day will be exchanged.
Subscribers should be prepared for both circumstances. In general,
you can expect to see 5 to 10 messages per day on the Unicode
list, fewer on the CLDR Users list and other lists.
Subscribers should
know that our public
mail lists might be archived and indexed by third parties, who
are themselves subscribers to our lists, and
made available on their websites. Because our public lists are
publicly accessible, they are under no obligation to inform us
about what they are doing. The Consortium has no control over
such practices and is not responsible for them. Questions or
concerns regarding them must be taken up with the administrators
of those websites. Some such sites may offer additional features
such as news feeds or aggregate pages created from the list
archives, which may be attractive to some of our subscribers.
As a community resource, the some lists also serves the
social function of keeping people with similar interests in touch
with one another. Searchable
on-line archives
of the unicode@unicode.org list
are available back to 1997. See the related links
in the left column of the individual mail list pages for details
of that, and archives for other lists. You are not required to
join the list to search archives.
These mail lists are open for technical discussion of the
Unicode Standard, related technical reports and technical
standards, as well as related internationalization or encoding
standards, locales, writing systems, and cultural phenomena.
Discussion on the lists are free-ranging, with some specific exceptions: job postings
or recruitment campaigns and direct product advertising are
strictly forbidden on all of our mail lists. Posting such items may result in immediate
removal from the list. (Some posting of new-product announcements
is encouraged, however please avoid discussion of prices and contact the office
to clear your
brief message before posting.)
The lists should also not be used to post comments on ISO national
body voting positions, or to make claims purporting to be national
body positions on ballots.
The maximum allowed size of messages may
vary by list, but is
generally limited to
100,000 bytes for most lists. If you need to send large documents or images,
please post them on the web and send the URL to the list.
Subscribers to the lists should remain tolerably polite at all
times and consider carefully before joining heated discussions.
Certain activities are discouraged, including the use
of profanity, overuse of bandwidth, product spam, frequent
off-topic posts, and protracted arguments that get personal. In
extreme instances, postings may be moderated or refused, or
warnings may be issued by our administrative staff. We reserve
the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason or no reason.
Your subscription may be moderated or terminated at any time
without notice. Posting to the list is not a guarantee of
For the complete text of our policies, please see the
Mail List Policies page.
Unsolicited commercial and bulk email, commonly called spam,
is not welcome on any Unicode Consortium email list. The
Consortium policy is to investigate and report all instances of
spam to the domains and machines through which it appears to
have been routed, and to cooperate in investigations undertaken by
other mail administrators for the purposes of curtailing such bulk
mailing practices. We reserve the right to unilaterally deny
email access and relaying from any user or domain for any reason
or no reason, without notice.
The Unicode Consortium also supports private email lists for the use of its members
and various committees. These
email discussion lists are the first line of discussion in the
development, implementation, enhancement and support of the
Unicode Standard and related globalization standards.
Subscription to these lists is one of the benefits of membership
in the Unicode Consortium. For more information, read about
Membership or
contact the Unicode office.
From time to time, the Unicode Consortium sends official announcements. These include
notification of such things as
Public Review Issues,
new versions of the Unicode Standard, Unicode CLDR releases, and significant changes in policies. Everyone who subscribes to one of the public
mail lists above, or who is a Unicode member, or is on one of our private lists
will automatically receive these official announcements. If you do not wish to
receive official announcements, you will need to unsubscribe from
all of our lists.
All of the Unicode
Consortium's email lists are strictly opt-in lists for members or interested
users of our standards, and we make every effort to promptly remove users who
do not wish to receive email from us. If you are on one or more of the public
mail lists discussed above, you can remove yourself from the list by
following the instructions for unsubscribing from that list. If you have any trouble
with that procedure, please contact us via our
online reporting form and we will assist you.
If you are only on one of our private email lists, you may contact
the list moderator, or contact us as above.
Major publication and website changes are announced to
subscribers of each
of the public lists. However, there are many documents or pages that
different people may be interested in, and not all changes in
those pages are announced. If you are interested in monitoring
particular pages, we suggest web services that will send you
email when particular pages change. One such service is
For example, if you are interested in new technical reports or
updates to existing technical reports, you can have such a service
monitor the page www.unicode.org/reports/. (Note that the Unicode
consortium does not endorse these particular services, they are
merely supplied as examples.)
- If you experience difficulty with subscription or
please contact the Unicode office
- The list of subscribers is not available, so please do not
- Multiple addresses: Many people these days have
multiple email addresses. If you wish to post messages
from more than one address, then subscribe all of your addresses
to the list and set vacation mode on the addresses that you wish
to NOT receive postings.
- Subdomains: If you subscribed with an address in one
sub-domain of your main domain, you may also send messages from
the main domain. For purposes of subscription and
un-subscription, the sub-domain addresses are acceptable as
well, and the unsubscribe command works from the main or
sub-domain addresses.