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Updates and Errata

The following is a list of errata noted for The Unicode® Standard, Version 16.0, its code charts, annexes, the Unicode Character Database, and the text and data files for other synchronized specifications. It is periodically updated to include corrections to typographic errors and new clarifications of the text. This list also includes errata noted for the text of The Unicode Standard, Version 16.0—Core Specification.

Current Errata Notices

There are no errata notices at this time.

Reporting Errors

Reports of errors in published documents, such as the Unicode Standard itself or Unicode Technical Reports, may be filed using the Unicode Consortium's contact form. If confirmed, and depending on the nature of the reported error, a notice may be posted on this page, to be fixed in subsequent editions of the Unicode Standard or related specifications.

Corrigenda Notices

Formal corrigenda notices for the Unicode Standard can be found at Corrigenda to the Unicode Standard.

Unicode CLDR

Corrigenda for Unicode CLDR are posted at Unicode CLDR Corrigenda. Errata notices for Unicode CLDR and its related specification, UTS #35: Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) can be found in the various release notes accessed from the Unicode CLDR Downloads page. For information regarding filing and accessing bug reports for Unicode CLDR, see Unicode CLDR: Requesting Changes.

Archived Errata Fixed in Prior Unicode Versions

Updates to Prior to Incorporated in
Unicode 15.1 2024-September-10 Unicode 16.0
Unicode 15.0 2023-September-12 Unicode 15.1
Unicode 14.0 2022-September-12 Unicode 15.0
Unicode 13.0 2021-September-13 Unicode 14.0
Unicode 12.0 2020-March-10 Unicode 13.0
Unicode 11.0 2019-March-05 Unicode 12.0
Unicode 10.0 2018-June-05 Unicode 11.0
Unicode 9.0 2017-June-20 Unicode 10.0
Unicode 8.0 2016-June-21 Unicode 9.0
Unicode 7.0 2015-June-17 Unicode 8.0
Unicode 6.3 2014-June-16 Unicode 7.0
Unicode 6.2 2013-September-26 Unicode 6.3
Unicode 6.1 2012-September-26 Unicode 6.2
Unicode 6.0 2012-January-31 Unicode 6.1
Unicode 5.2 2010-October-11 Unicode 6.0
Unicode 5.1 2009-October-1 Unicode 5.2
Unicode 5.0 2008-March-15 Unicode 5.1
Unicode 4.1 2006-July-14 Unicode 5.0
Unicode 4.0 2005-March-31 Unicode 4.1
Unicode 3.2 2003-April-17 Unicode 4.0
Unicode 3.1 2002-March-25 Unicode 3.2
Unicode 3.0 2001-March-23 Unicode 3.1
