Meri Brown
Meri Brown is known for appearing on TLC’s Sister Wives. The show, which premiered in September 2010, follows her and husband, Kody Brown, along with his three other wives — Robyn, Christine and Janelle Brown.
She was raised in a family of 25 siblings. The California native legally married Kody in April 1990 after they were introduced by one of Kody’s sisters a year earlier.
They decided to practice polygamy and Kody “spiritually married” his second wife Janelle in 1993, followed by his third, Christine in 1994. Kody and Meri divorced in September 2014, so Kody could legally marry Robyn, whom he was courting, and adopt her children from a past relationship. Although he and Meri are not legally married, they consider themselves to be “spiritually married.”
Kody and Meri share a child named Leon, whom they welcomed in 1995.
After Kody revealed during season 17 of Sister Wives, which aired in 2022, that he didn’t “consider” himself married to Meri, the duo separated. The bed and breakfast owner confirmed in December of that year that Kody made the “decision” that their marriage was over.