Based on the 2010 film Catfish, the reality series of the same name premiered in 2012 on MTV and was hosted by Nev Schulman and Max Joseph. Each episode follows a person who has found themselves in an online relationship with someone they have never met. It’s up to Schulman and Joseph to uncover whether the person on the other side of the screen is legitimate or pretending to be somebody else (a.k.a. a “catfish”).
In May 2018, filming of the seventh season was briefly suspended due to sexual misconduct allegations against Schulman, but the accusations were later found to be not credible. Halfway through season 7, Joseph left the program in order to pursue a directing career. For the rest of the season, multiple cohosts were featured including Elle King, Nick Young and Kimiko Glenn. Kamie Crawford was eventually chosen as Schulman’s permanent cohost.
As of 2023, the series has a total of eight seasons. In 2020, MTV and Wondery began releasing “Catfish: The Podcast.” A three-episode spinoff titled Catfish: Trolls was released in 2018. Another spinoff series titled Ghosted: Love Gone Missing premiered in 2019, cohosted by The Bachelorette alum Rachel Lindsay and rapper Travis Mills.