Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Related people
- Donald Ross Paterson
- Henry Stanley Plummer
- Johann Henning Waldenström
- Porter Paisley Vinson
- Sven Roland Kjellberg
A syndrome characterized by an iron-deficiency anaemia, atrophic changes in the buccal, glossopharyngeal, and oesophageal mucous membranes, koilonycha (spoon-shaped finger nails), and dysphagia. The dysphagia is due to a web formed in the postcricoid region. Carcinoma of the tongue and postcricoid region are complications. It is most common in middle aged women, rarely in the male. Etiology unknown.
- H. S. Plummer:
Diffuse dilatation of the esophagus without anatomic stenosis (cardiospasm). A report of ninety-one cases.
Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 1912, 58: 2013-2015. - P. P. Vinson:
A case of cardiospasm with dilatation and angulation of the esophagus.
Medical Clinics of North America, Philadelphia, PA., 1919, 3: 623-627. - A. B. Kelly:
Spasm at the entrance of the esophagus.
The Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, London, 1919, 34: 285-289. - D. R. Paterson:
A clinical type of dysphagia.
The Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, London, 1919, 24: 289-291. - J. Waldenström, D. R. Kjellberg:
The roentgenological diagnosis of sideropenic dysphagia (Plummer-Vinson’s syndrome).
Acta radiologica, Stockholm, 1939, 20: 618.