Wikidata:Events/Data Quality Days 2022/Conversation2

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Structured conversation #2: Rules and anarchy


Facilitation: Manuel Merz, Lydia Pintscher

👥 Number of participants (including speakers): at 17:00, 20 people

🎯 Key takeaways and outcomes

  • ...

☑️ Action plan

  • Next steps
    • ... 
  • Who wants to be a part of the next steps: 
    • ...
  • Where and when will this continue?  
    • ...

🖊️ General notes 

  • Some policies and guidelines on Wikidata are not fully enforced in practice (e.g. Wikidata:Bots, Wikidata:Notability). Ignoring important rules can have negative consequences for the Community and data quality.
  • Goals of the session:
    • Collect examples for policies and guidelines that are currently ignored with negative consequences
    • Discuss possible solutions
    • Find allies to improve the status-quo
  • ...

❓ Did you like this new format? What can we improve?

  • ... 

Issue #1: Property proposals


💬 Discussion about this issue

  • Description: Sometimes properties are created based on very few support votes; relevant communities (e.g. WikiProjects) aren’t always involved in the discussion
    • Yes! We need a ping system that works! What if we required that property proposals to be transcluded on WikiProjects they are relevant to?
    • That would be a *lot* of spam
    • How so? Is there a WikiProject you are a part of that gets a lot of proposals?
    • I don't think proposals are that common for any single WikiProject...
  • Ping
    • Jan Ainali (User:Ainali) says:Should we require that at least one WikiProject gets pinged in every proposal? 
    • James Heald says:ping is not bad 
    • nikki says:you might be watching the project talk page but not on the list of people to ping, so I think posting on their talk page would make sense 
    • Lydia: There are a lot of wikiprojects where there are not a lot of active people who could say yay/nay or anything constructive...
    • Sotho Tal Ker: authority control gets pinged sometimes, but i must say, i don't vote on the ones that dont interest me 😒 
    • Ainali: they might not be active in the project or at all
    • Lydia: our assumption is that there need to be people who identify and rep the wikiproject 
    • Jan A: we could also switch it up. i.e. that there must be an active project in order to have this
    • Lectrician: there are times properties are created and the project doesn't even know that it exists. so if its kept ?transcluded?' then they's know about it/ Once someone sees it and adds it to the proeperty list they can remove it on talk page.
      • you don't need to archive, but collapse or even delete it 
    • Sotho Tal Ker says:maybe we could create a specific role that people can add to their accounts to get pinged for new properties, even if they are not part of a project? 
      • nikki says:I'd be worried about making it harder for certain areas if you have to have so many votes or an active project 
      • Sotho Tal Ker says:but that might be overkill, watching the creation page should be enough for interested parties? 
      • nikki says:but we do have a problem with poorly explained or incomplete proposals getting adding
      • harmonia says:also if people get pinged for every new property, they will just start to ignore the notifications, it needs to be by "subject" not generic
    • Manuel: is there a common understanding of what properties we want?
      • Lydia: not what we want or not, but about how well thought out the proposal is. also how long has something beenthere with no objections
      • Luca: isn't this already happening? last interaction this functionality was there
        • Lydia: maybe not for everything.
    • James: there seem to have been '000s of properties created for different types of categories related to an item .... also for rather narrow different types of contributors to artistic / literary works .... not sure either is a good trend 
    • James Heald says: Does the property proposal template ask to list relevant wiki projects ?  This might be a useful addition 
    • nikki says:I was also thinking about whether it would make sense to have little sessions where a few people with enough experience get together and go through a few proposals to make sure the proposals look good (fixing regexes, asking for clarifications, etc), so that even if it's not something we're personally interested in, at least the proposal is better 
      • Property proposal hour!
      • [Manuel] Who would run it?
      • [Ainali] this is already run by some wikiprojects
      • [Manuel] so a decentralised thing, with every wikiproject running its own hour?
      • [Léa] we (WMDE) can take care of the frame of the event, but the community should bring the content; organising would be on us, but we need to make sure that the experienced community members are here to answer questions 
      • [Lydia] we can do a test run in one of our next office hours maybe?

☑️ Action plan

  • Next steps
    • Look at the property proposal template and improve it
    • Experiment with a Property Proposal Hour (event can be run by WMDE but experienced community members would need to participate in order to help others)
      • Possibly a test during the next Wikidata & Wikibase office hour
  • Who wants to be a part of the next steps: 
    • ...
  • Where and when will this continue?  
    • ...

Issue #2: Bot policy and approval process


💬 Discussion about this issue

  • Description: Going through the bot approval process seems to not work for many people so they just go ahead without approval and face no consequences.
    • Rules at, many of them ignored by bot operators.
    • the bot policy doesn't work well given the number of semi-automated edits through tools like quickstatements, openrefine, etc
    • Bot approval can sometimes take a while - there are a number that have been stuck there for ~6 months (and it's only not longer than that since I closed a bunch of older ones earlier this year!)
    • I am very glad that QS, OpenRefine, WikibaseCLI do *not* require bot approval, otherwise nothing would get done
    • "Monitor constraint violation reports for possible errors generated or propagated by your bot" is unfortunately ignored by multiple bot operators, even though they've been warned.
    • People edit a lot of things with QuickStatements that maybe should be done by bot after approval?

Discussion Notes

  • Mike Peel says:There are basically two people who respond to bot requests - who are very nice people, but there are only two of them! I went through and closed the ones from 2021/2020/2019 as not done, since there didn't seem to be much point them still being there ... a couple did resussitate and make it through the process in the end though! 
  • nikki says:my personal definition is that if you've looked each edit, it's not a bot, if you're generating edits and not checking all of them, it is a bot 
    • jan: I think that is a very useful perspective. Can we modify our policy to reflect that? 
  • No one really monitors the data for constraint violation. can't really be monitored by api
    • Many people do not know how to do it!
    • jklamo says:(Open Refine checks contraint violations)
    • lydia: its unclear how to do all of this
  • Nikki made a suggestion: one fo the problems we have is the distinction between quickstatements and similar tools and a bot. Nikkis personal defintion is  if you have looked at each edit, its not a bt. if you generatingedits and are not looking at each edit then its a bot. this could possibly be used as a basis
  • Manuel: maybe we use a different bname than bot?
    • Maybe "flooder"?
  • Its more like are the edits upervised or not
    • Manuel;: what is supervisions
    • user supervision
    • ManuelL is the indiviual edit sueprvised?
    • Luca: let's make one example. Back in the day I tried to use a bot. but it didn't work. Then quickstatements appeared and I only used quickstatements whenever I needed to do batch uploads. I supervise every batch edit that I do, I use queries to make sure everything is okay, etc,. It really depends on how someone is using the tools
  • Mike: does everyone supervise their edits like this?
    • Lydia: lol no
  • Luca: quickstatements does not require you to scroll therough the edits. you see the top 10 and then there is a drop down that lets you see up to , like, 500 edits. Then you copy-paste, check the top ten, then run. In some cases you get an error... If you do a mistake, well you're doomed! There's no way to stop. Rather, there is a way, but then you need to manually recheck all of the updates to ensure that all of your updates are good.
    • [James] There's an 'undo batch' button
    • I[James] IMO the situation is different compared to Commons or Wikipedias, because batch edits can be easily undone.  So imo batch edits != bot edits
  • There's an undo-batch button, but if you don't do batches and do the usual thing without naming the batch, then this button doesn't work.
      • ^^ @Luca is misleading because usually there will have been a *lot* of work to create that set of QS edits
      • [Luca] Sure, but when you're tired one tiny mistake would happen, and you should be aware of this :)
  • Lydia: can return to the fac thatt its hard for user to do the thign we want them to do? Can we change that
    • Manuel: it is easier / more valuable fo rpeopel to look at their edit count and observe how quickly it skyrockets. Don't feel the negative consequences. Maybe our incentives are wrong?
  • If there an easy way to find people doing edits, asks mike
  • nikki adds, when they have told people they should be using a bot account. they ask what the point of hat is and there's no good answer to that question. thats true esp. as there's no real enforcement of things. 
  • harmonia says:I think we all have some users in mind but we have no way to force them to fix their edits, so… 
  • Manuel: it should be easier to warn people and there should be consequences
  • Mike: are there any rate limits on a regular user?
    • Manuel: yes, but its pretty high 
  • Lydia: Lucas do you remember if we had a discussion about those limits?

🎯 Key takeaways and outcomes

  • ...

☑️ Action plan

  • Next steps
    • Try to approve bots in a faster way
    • Enforce the policy for users to check and fix their own mistakes
    • Throttle accounts without bot flag, so they need to apply for the flag
    • maybe have a way to flag problematic edits to the user/bot and give them a deadline to fix it

Full documentation of the board


Collect examples for policies and guidelines that are currently ignored with negative consequences

  • Property proposals (10❤️)
    • Sometimes properties are created based on very few support votes; relevant communities (e.g. WikiProjects) aren’t always involved in the discussion
      • Yes! We need a ping system that works! What if we required that property proposals to be transcluded on WikiProjects they are relevant to?
      • That would be a *lot* of spam
      • How so? Is there a WikiProject you are a part of that gets a lot of proposals?
      • I don't think proposals are that common for any single WikiProject...
      • the art project gets a *lot* of pings for proposals for new collection IDs
  • Bot policy and approval process & Wikidata:Flooders (7❤️)
    • Bot policy and approval process: Going through the bot approval process seems to not work for many people so they just go ahead without approval and face no consequences.
      • Rules at, many of them ignored by bot operators.
      • the bot policy doesn't work well given the number of semi-automated edits through tools like quickstatements, openrefine, etc
      • Bot approval can sometimes take a while - there are a number that have been stuck there for ~6 months (and it's only not longer than that since I closed a bunch of older ones earlier this year!)
      • I am very glad that QS, OpenRefine, WikibaseCLI do *not* require bot approval, otherwise nothing would get done
      • "Monitor constraint violation reports for possible errors generated or propagated by your bot" is unfortunagely ignored by multiple bot operators, even though they've been warned. 
    • Wikidata:Flooders: Nice rule, but not followed. Users who should have this flag don't ask for it and usually edit under a normal "non-bot" account.)
      • people often ask why they should use this
  • People edit a lot of things with QuickStatements that maybe should be done by bot after approval? (5❤️)
    • (no description)
      • Related to Wikidata:Flooders IMHO
  • Notability is outdated (4❤️)
    • This tends to be the reason why I ignore it sometimes, particularly with Commons... It would be good to do a systematic update of it at some point so it matches practice, but I ran out of energy for that...
      • Now THIS is a hot take
      • And compared to Wikipedia's specific notability criteria, it does not really help to make decisions or enforce anything xD
  • Using properties creatively (3❤️)
    • Perhaps not a policy conflict, but there is a long tail of creative uses of many properties where they are bent to fit something that one user want to capture even though that was not what the property was meant for.
      • Especially new users who don't look to Project Chat or a Telegram group will easily just put down whatever properties "make sense" when often there is a better solution or even a property/scheme could be proposed that could define that relationship that we haven't thought of yet.
  • Maybe there are too few rules (2❤️)
    • As far as I see, rules on Wikidata are few and very basic - the problem we have is that we don't have more guidance after 10 years on how to work specifically, allowing people to "break the rules" (which are not even there)
      • a bigger problem is that certain users are uncooperative and will insist on doing things a different way if there isn't something explicitly saying they shouldn't (or sometimes even if there is). documenting consensus and common practice more would be good, but having a better strategy for uncooperative users is also necessary, to avoid having to make rules about absolutely everything
  • Reverting new participant's edits that don't follow the Wikidata standard (2❤️)
    • Lol some of my first edits to Wikidata were instantly reverted because I wasn't doing something "right".
    • I think it would be good if we had a gadget that put a flag next to usernames in the UI if they were a new contributor. That way users would know to go to their talk page and explain how something should be done.
    • Even I now as an experienced contributor revert sometimes without offering much of an explaination.
      • In some cases (statement removal) is it not even possible to comment on.
  • Admins can go rogue and delete many items that they don't like - and it's difficult to spot/stop this behaviour. (1❤️)
    • (no description)
      • RfD is not a *required* process, if you're an admin...
      • Has this happened or is it a hypothetical worry?
      • It's happened.
      • Links?
      • Happy to verbally discuss the case I saw, don't want to write down here.
  • Control of items (1❤️)
    • Not really an "anarchy" problem, but I think WikiProjects that have control over items need to be more clear that they "control" those items and users (especially newer ones) should look to those WikiProjects for details about how to use those items. Maybe moving "maintained by WikiProject" up in the list of statements would help and making sure we have "model item" prop too.
      • What do you mean that WikiProjects "have control" of items? That seems to be contrary to the policies that anyone can edit any item.
      • They establish the data model for items so they have "control" of them
      • Well, even WikiProjects may be wrong....
      • Interested by the "model item" prop idea -- but what sort of items should such statements go on?
      • Items that are key to a data model. Example: written work is a key item of WikiProject Books that has a "model item" prop