Beginners and Enthusiasts Resources

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is a free global public health and healing project
Wcreated to save global society trillions of dollars annually by educating the public, government, and health professionals worldwide of the profoundly exciting medical research on the mind-body health therapies of Tai Chi & Qigong.
Our annual global event is designed to capture the world's imagination each year with the beauty and spectacular visual spectacle of mass Tai Chi and Qigong exhibitions and teach-ins worldwide in 100s of cities in 80 nations ... but our work is ongoing and year round.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's spectacular visual image of people coming together across racial, ethnic, and geo-political borders to celebrate health and healing each year is a powerful global healing wave in itself. also provides endless resources for individuals to learn how to get the most out of these arts taught worldwide, and for teachers to promote themselves and also to enhance their ability to educate their local students, media, and communities. We offer a free Tai Chi / Qigong MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARY with constantly updated links to breaking medical research worldwide proving how these mind-body tools can prevent or even treat many of the most common health challenges. also offers resources to help local teachers of these arts to get Tai Chi and Qigong into Public Education; Special Education; Modern Health Care Institutions; Corporate Wellness; and even into Penal and Drug Rehabilitation Institutions.
The Founders of WTCQD pioneered expanding Tai Chi and Qigong into the modern world at all levels, over 20 years of pioneering corporate wellness, education, penal and drug rehabilition, and getting Tai Chi and Qigong accepted into some of the largest healthcare institutions in world. AND NOW THEY GIVE ALL THIS KNOWLEDGE AWAY TO TAI CHI AND QIGONG TEACHERS WORLDWIDE AS A FREE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ... TO CREATE A CLEARER, CALMER, AND HEALTHIER WORLD, also teaches Tai Chi & Qigong enthusiasts and professionals how to Organize WTCQD events, providing free Media Kits, and also instructions on how to approach government to educate them about why Tai Chi and Qigong are important to their cities, states, provinces, nations, and citizens.
We offer 20 years of deep research to the public and to the world Tai Chi and Qigong community as a free public service. Our directories where teachers worldwide can list are free, as are all of our voluminous resources. Share this site widely. publishes a FREE weekly email newsletter Ezine "All Things Tai Chi and Qigong" that keeps the global Tai Chi and Qigong family connected, and up to date on breaking medical research on Tai Chi and Qigong benefits. At our homepage you can click "Join Our Free Email List" to enter your email for this free weekly Ezine (then you will recieve a confirmation email, that you'll need to click "update" in to complete your sign up. Don't worry, its all free, there is no angle). Our weekly newsletter also has articles on all the above resources and gorgeous and moving photos and videos from WTCQD events and Tai Chi and Qigong enthusiasts worldwide from over 80 nations.
Beginners and Enthusiasts,
Understand, we are not here to compete with your teacher, but to honor their work, by augmenting it.In a class the focus is on teaching forms. There is often little time to delve into some of the deeper aspects of Tai Chi and Qigong philosophy or Traditional Chinese Medicine, let alone the volumes of modern medical research on these ancient arts. Even long time teachers and masters come to our content for insights of innovative ways to explain these ancient mind/body sciences, we are all still learning ...
A martial arts magazine interviewing an old Tai Chi master, who'd been studying Tai Chi for 60 years, asked, "When did you feel you mastered Tai Chi?" The master looked at the interviewer with a mischevious smile and replied, "I'll let you know as soon as I do."
So, we all are learning, no matter how long we've done it. World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, provides videos, graphics, and text to help you "get it" on a deeper and more meaningful level, that will enhance, not compete with, what you are learning in class. In fact we have readers who are top champions in Tai Chi and master coaches, who've said they get something new from our content every time they read it. If you want to learn more about Tai Chi or learn more about Qigong (Chi Kung), you've come to the right place.
Find Tips on Classes that will help you deal with issues and challenges of learning, that can also benefit the way you approach everything in your life. You'll see explanations of Tai Chi and Qigong Terms and Concepts, that will deepen your understanding of things you are already doing in class.
The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Acupuncture section, helps you know on a deeper level how your Tai Chi and Qigong practice are actually TCM therapies, benefiting you in many deep and abiding ways. Our Medical Research section exposes you to the vast modern medical research revealing what powerful health & healing tools Tai Chi and Qigong are.
You might ask, "Why should you read this, if you already have begun learning?" In TCM centuries ago, Traditional Chinese Medical pioneers realized that the more a client understands the therapy ... the more benefits they get from it. This is now being validated by the modern science of pscyhoneuroimmunology, which studies the relationship of the mind and body. The new science of neuroplasticity or understanding how our thought processes actually physically alter our physical structure, are also discussed in this website. By understanding on a left brain analytical level the power of Tai Chi and Qigong, then when practicing, your mind will allow you to relax deeper into the benefits. Learn how Tai Chi and Qigong can maximize your Sports and Life performance.
Again, if you are already a practitioner, you may have already felt those changes, but to understand them intellectually as well can help deepen your benefits.
Did you know that modern medical research indicates that Tai Chi can boost your immune system resistence to viral infection by 50%, lower high blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, treat type 2 diabetes, and much, much more? Hopefully your doctor told you this already, but just in case he/she hasn't, you've come to the right place. Begin by watching the below video, then scroll down to learn more about exactly what Tai Chi and Qigong (Chi Kung) are, the science behind these ancient and highly effective mind/body sciences, and why YOU should begin learning them today. Be sure to enjoy our FREE Online Lessons, and search the Medical Research section to learn how Tai Chi or Qigong may help you or a loved one with health challenges.