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Suppliers count 12 million iPad 2s for the third quarter

Asian component suppliers say Apple has been increasing third-quarter orders for parts that go into its iPad 2 tablet. The company is seen shipping 12 million iPad 2 units in the third quarter, a substantial increase over an estimated 7-9 million units in the second quarter (we will know for sure July 19 when Apple will release earnings report) and especially compared to the 4.69 million iPad units shipped in the first quarter. DigiTimes reports:

In order to significantly increase its shipments in the third quarter, Apple has been piling up its inventory of iPad 2 components such as panels in the second quarter to minimize the risk of facing component shortages.

Apple’s increased appetite will benefit the most LG Display, Catcher Technology, TPK Holdings and Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation, the report notes.

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