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Even Samsung spokesman LeBron James has phone problems…


Several time NBA MVP and lead Samsung celebrity spokesman LeBron James also has phone problems. The above Tweet is gone; probably in an effort to not upset Samsung… (via Eli Langer).


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  1. TJ (@tjskywasher) - 10 years ago

    Tweeted from an iPhone maybe lol

  2. scumbolt2014 - 10 years ago

    LeBron’s nose was broken by a Samsung phone also.

  3. rettun1 - 10 years ago

    Well it was probably worth being able to cut and paste himself in the clouds

  4. Dimitri Kyriakis - 10 years ago

    I love how 9to5mac just assumes because he is a spokeman for Samsung, He uses a Samsung device. I know spokemen for Apple & they use Blackberry devices & Android devices. Why don’t you report proper news instead of assumptions next time. This is coming from a Apple fan boy..

    • Willy Ng (@willytbk) - 10 years ago

      Since when apple hired a spokesperson for iPhone ???

      • herb02135go - 10 years ago

        He didn’t say iPhone spokesperson. He said Apple.
        I know you can’t tell the difference … but can you read before you post?

    • liquidwolverine1 - 10 years ago

      The fact that every reporter was saying the same thing (that it was a Galaxy) along with all the commenters to the tweet and he did nothing to correct it makes me believe the assumption was correct, otherwise it would have been a good promo for Samsung if it were an iPhone or Blackberry. Why else would he delete the tweet after he sent it?

      • herb02135go - 10 years ago

        Who knows why he deleted the tweet, or if he did it.

        Just because reporters were saying it, and you believe it, doesn’t mean it’s true. If believing made things true there would be a god. And he’d be a white heterosexual male.
