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Apple teases Samsung in new environmental print ad: ‘There are some things we want every company to copy’

As part of its recent environmental campaign, Apple has taken out some tongue-in-cheek full-page print advertising in newspapers around the world today. The ad reads ‘There are some things we want every company to copy’. The ad was first spotted by David McClelland on Twitter. (Hi-res version below:)

The ad also has been seen in Germany. The ad highlights Apple’s commitment to its green energy plans and environmental sustainability. The ad is phrased as a clear jab at Samsung, reading: ‘There’s one area where we actually encourage others to imitate us’.

This is the full transcript of the ad:

There’s one area where we actually encourage others to imitate us. Because when everyone makes the environment a priority, we all benefits. We’d be more than happy to see every data centre fuelled by 100% renewable energy sources. And we eagerly await the day when every product is made without the harmful toxins we have removed from ours.

Of course we know we can continue to do better. We’ve set some pretty ambitious goals for reducing our impact on climate change, making our products with greener materials and conserving our planet’s limited resources. So the next time we come across a great idea that can help leave the world better than we found it, we look forward to sharing.

The ad is timed alongside Green Earth Day. Apple has adorned Apple Store’s with green leaves as part of its celebrations for the event. It also released a new video ad about Apple’s environmental efforts, narrated by Tim Cook.

Hi-res version follows (via Dave Mark & The Verge):

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  1. Kevin Weber - 10 years ago

    This is the first time EVER I have sided with Samsung. Apple, please stop focusing on this tree hugger garbage and focus on products, innovation, and the value of AAPL. Where is my iWatch or new Apple TV?

    • o0smoothies0o - 10 years ago

      Yes don’t worry about the planet, it’s just the only place in the universe known to support life as we know it! Genius!!!

      Your iWatch and Apple TV are coming, we’re all very sincerely sorry that Apple can’t release a new product, or especially a new product category to you every week.

    • xapher19 - 10 years ago

      If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath whilst counting your money.

    • Kyle Kirby - 10 years ago

      I /hope/ this is just a troll.

    • Tallest Skil - 10 years ago

      Personally I’m pretty darn anti-treehugger and even I see how renewables are a benefit to the individual. Educate yourself.

      • What did the trees ever do to you? They need hugs just like you.

      • Tallest Skil - 10 years ago

        Hugs schmugs. I’ve no love for those who dump waste upriver from a settlement, but I’ve also no love for those who act psychotic in the protection of an “endangered” species. Gene sequencing exists. Capture a specimen, sequence it, keep it until the day we can rebuild comes.

    • PMZanetti - 10 years ago

      Uh, what? It’s one thing to be a nut case that believes that human beings can destroy the planet. Its a whole other thing to find cleaner, cheaper, and more efficient means of doing traditional things like generating power and building easy-to-recycle products.

      • o0smoothies0o - 10 years ago

        If you don’t think humans can destroy the planet then you are completely ignorant, I’m sorry to say. Completely forgetting about climate change, pretend every nuke was detonated. What would that do? Incase you don’t know, it would kill off most life, including ours.

        P.S. The oceans are dying. Educate yourself on some of these matters which are absolutely caused by humans.

    • Edison Wrzosek - 10 years ago

      It’s people like you that are so self-centred and only care about ME ME ME that this world is going to hell with pollution.

      I thank Apple whole heartedly for them having the initiative and foresight to make themselves environmental leaders, because the next generation of Humanity will need MANY more companies to be like Apple in this regard.

      I’m just hoping you forgot to indicate your comment as sarcasm, because if it’s serious, man you have issues!

    • Roger Mercer - 10 years ago

      Humans always overestimate their own importance. Ants have thousands of times more biomass on this planet than humans. If anything, they and the oceans and soil bacteria all have more effect on the environment than humans. And the greatest effect of all is the sun. So I would be very skeptical that humans are causing warming. We just don’t matter that much, all things considered.

      • noelboss - 10 years ago

        Because ants build submarines, nukes and data-centers that use fossil and atomic energy. Yep. Sure. Okay.

      • o0smoothies0o - 10 years ago

        Thanks for your scientific facts. Oh wait, you don’t know literally a single thing about it. I absolutely cherish morons talking with confidence about things that not only do they not understand a thing about, but things which they don’t have the intellectual power to be educated about.

  2. Joe Public - 10 years ago

    ‘There are some things we want every company to copy’

    What? Like orienting your solar panels facing due East or due West?

    • **not sure if being sarcastic** But you do realise that these panels move?

      • o0smoothies0o - 10 years ago

        Hahah, you got him. He probably pooped himself when he realized that he shouldn’t speak about solar panels as his idea is obscenely awful.

      • Joe Public - 10 years ago

        Like having the sun shine on their rear as shown in the illustration their ad agency used??


    • zBrain (@joeregular) - 10 years ago

      try taking a picture of a mirror with the sun behind you… that would not be a good looking picture.

    • Alex Court - 10 years ago

      Have you considered that if the sun is setting they are using the opportunity of the setting suns energy to position the solar arrays for sun rise? That way they have power from straight off without using power collected from else where to move the solar arrays back in to position

  3. Ronen Barski - 10 years ago

    with all of those chemtrails today it’s inefficient

  4. Anyone else find it funny that they take out a full page ad in a *newspaper* about being green?

  5. This is what I love about Apple. Intelligent! Good one Apple :D

  6. tilalabubakr - 10 years ago


  7. charilaosmulder - 10 years ago

    Love it, this must be the result of Shiller’s concerns about Samsungs ads. Contrary to their campaign, this one is quite classy.

  8. Patrick G (@PatTheCarNut) - 10 years ago

    Like the Headline in the ad?

    “The ad reads ‘There are some things we want every company to copy’”

    Are you sure that’s what the ad reads? :~)

  9. tigerpork - 10 years ago

    Good one Apple.

    • herb02135go - 10 years ago

      This is very tacky. Shows Apple’s lack of class.

      Those who talk about it the most do it the least.

      • o0smoothies0o - 10 years ago

        No actually it shows their class. They want people to copy their environmental initiatives and make the place you call home a sustainable home for your offspring (god help them, it’s not their fault their parents are so stupid).

  10. DJmatics Matics - 10 years ago

    Take that Samsung lol

  11. rickla - 10 years ago

    “we all benefits”
    Is this ad channeling Gollum?


Avatar for Benjamin Mayo Benjamin Mayo

Benjamin develops iOS apps professionally and covers Apple news and rumors for 9to5Mac. Listen to Benjamin, every week, on the Happy Hour podcast. Check out his personal blog. Message Benjamin over email or Twitter.
