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Apple seeds update to OS X Yosemite Developer Preview

Alongside the second beta of iOS 8, Apple has provided an update to the OS X Yosemite Developer Preview. Yosemite brings many new features to the Mac, including a new design, Continuity features, and enhanced applications. We’ll update this post with new discoveries in the new preview as they are found. You can let us know what you find at 

– PhotoBooth application has returned:

– The new Photo Booth and Screen Share icons:

– Screen sharing enhancements reported:

– New FileVault panel upon reboot.

Time Machine user-interface redesigned:

– Handoff now works well:


Finder no longer needs to be open to receive AirDrops from other devices:

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  1. Douglas Camata - 10 years ago

    Change log, pleaaase

  2. 1.6 GB in size downloading now, sees the servers are getting hit hard as expected, looking at taking almost 1 hour to download

    • That would actually be 1.16Gb

      • Dan Eaton (@b3ats) - 10 years ago

        Mine is 823MB in App Store. I guess it’s different for everyone.

      • Dan Eaton (@b3ats) - 10 years ago

        Interestingly I just downloaded 823MB and installed only to find another update 1.0 in there after for 1.16GB. This is now the third OSX 10.10 Update 1.0 I have been prompted to install in the App Store. Guess it doesn’t know itself what is running on my machine and is getting quite confused.

  3. Is there any word on when the betas might be coming out to the general public beta testers?

  4. Taste_of_Apple - 10 years ago

    Reblogged this on Taste of Apple and commented:
    Get downloading developers.

  5. Jan-Philipp (@Jaypi_) - 10 years ago

    Is What’s App fixed?

  6. Diego Hurtado - 10 years ago

    Photo booth is back.

  7. Antonio Giammalvo - 10 years ago

    i’m a public beta tester, when will it be available for me? does anybody know?

  8. Raphael Fils - 10 years ago

    anyone else having Finder continuously relaunching?

    • acslater017 - 10 years ago

      Yes, although that happened to me in Beta 1. Once the Finder went nuts and filled with static/glitch art like a video card bug or something.

      • Ben Lachman (@blach) - 10 years ago

        What was the fix? It’s doing that o me now. I can only start up in safe mode.

  9. Diego Hurtado - 10 years ago

    iCloud folder seems to be working now, in my computer it shows textEdit, keynote and Preview folders.

  10. Hey 9to5!

    I just updated to OS X 10.10 DP2 and so far I noticed 2 fixes: 1st the quick reply for messages works correctly (used to switch to message app when quick reply-ing) 2nd my WIFI connect better/faster now (used to take forever when I put my mac to sleep and woke him up also leading to „no IP-Adress“ Errors etc)

    And of corse its way faster it seems!

    Greeting from Austria and keep up the good work !
    – @Georg_Schmo

  11. andredewaard1991 - 10 years ago

    New symbol if an app is using your locations?

  12. Court Kizer - 10 years ago

    Menubar dark mode?

    • Juan Carlos M M - 10 years ago

      No menubar dark mode. To enable dark mode try this:
      Enter to terminal and run this command: “sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleInterfaceTheme Dark”.

  13. For some reason i did not get the photo booth app with this update, anybody know why?

    • Isaac (@isrcy) - 10 years ago

      I didn’t get it either. I don’t know why.

    • I also did not get the photo booth app. However I believe I had a bad install on the update. Rebooted during the restart after the update because the bar was stuck at half way for over 10 minutes (after the installs took place). When booting back up App Store told me to re install some updates that failed, but no updates are available and it says that 1.0 was updated. Checked my build number and indeed it did not update. Still at build 14A238x… Might want to check to make sure your build is correct.. Sigh.. Novice mistake, learned. Appears I will have to wait for beta 3 to update.

  14. Dimiter Geelen - 10 years ago

    Could someone who has installed 10.10 beta 2 check if VMWare Fusion (6) is running? It didn’t work in beta 1, so I had to go back to Mavericks…

    • Still not working.

    • iwindon - 10 years ago

      The VMWare Fusion Technology Preview will more than likely be the one that starts working with Yosemite first. I would doubt that Fusion would just start working, as it would need to be something that VMWare changes in their code to do this. VMWare says the current preview (May) still does not work with Yosemite (however the program will launch, you just can’t start the VM). I would check back with them and as soon as it the new preview of VMWare is released see how that works.

    • Wilbur Smith - 10 years ago

      Hello Folks,
      I just want to mention that I’m running OSX Yosemite Developer Preview 3 and Fusion Technology Preview July 2014.

      So far everything seems to work well. My Bootcamp partition booted fine and seems responsive, even with the extra debugging enabled in both OSX and the Tech Preview.

      This is running on my Macbook Air. For those interested, here are it’s specs:

      MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012)
      Processor 2 GHz Intel Core i7
      Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
      Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB
      Disk 500Gb Flash
      Guest OS: Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

      I don’t use any stressful applications or do any development, so others experience may vary, but I’m pretty happy with how things are working.


  15. Andy Brooks - 10 years ago

    apple logo in menu bar is more grey and dull

  16. – Share menu in extensions (new?)
    – open replacing installed in Mac App Store

  17. No update showing up for me in App Store. :(

    Or maybe that’s just my company’s crappy local update server.

  18. For some reason i don’t have the photo booth app, can someone help ?

  19. borntofeel - 10 years ago

    Notifications appearing in the Notification Center now show the time of reception.

  20. Eli Matoren (@eim23x) - 10 years ago

    still my imessage crashes

  21. Berke Hitay (@BerkeTr) - 10 years ago

    I really loved the space theme in the Time Machine screen… Going back in time, in tandem with traveling among the stars just logically fits. That’s one thing I really wouldn’t have changed. At all.

    • Klaus Bach (@bachk) - 10 years ago

      Me too… I’m ok with the rid of the ‘skeumorphims’, polluted look, and alike… but really, the Time Machine space theme is really cool… wouldn’t touch that part… and if they do, just please leave the option of the classic look for those who prefer it…

  22. SSD TRIMER still running

  23. Wikipedia entries showing up in search bar of safari

  24. Repair Disk Permissions run again

  25. Nate Washko - 10 years ago

    Mine actually will not download the update. Prompts me for the restart, but doesn’t restart or download the beta. Am I doing something wrong?

    • Bahrovski (@Bahrovski) - 10 years ago

      Did you ever solve this issue? Mine does the same..

    • CT Schenk - 10 years ago

      Mine is doing the same thing too. I think it may have something to do with the fact that it partially downloaded and I lost connectivity. Now it says Update and after I click it starts to download then immediately prompts to Restart… but does nothing after clicking Restart.

      Anyone able to get this resolved?

  26. andreww500 - 10 years ago

    No more stars in Time Machine!? This cannot be.

  27. andreww500 - 10 years ago

    Is it just me who really isn’t a fan of the new Photo Booth icon? It doesn’t fit in with the new icons at all. It works with iPhoto but that’s getting an update soon anyway…

  28. Casper Østergaard - 10 years ago

    Handoff still won’t work for me! What to do??

  29. Dan Eaton (@b3ats) - 10 years ago

    I have found Safari to be really buggy with YouTube. The videos I have watched have lost audio and the picture has also become scrambled making them unwatchable.

    • thejuanald - 10 years ago

      Yeah, I stay away from Safari as much as possible, but I have been trying to use it to submit bugs since this is the preview, but it seems really, really buggy. Safari, as usual, is probably my only complaint so far.

  30. thejuanald - 10 years ago

    I’m really enjoying Yosemite in the developer preview. It’s really a nice update so far.

  31. Lincoln Junior - 10 years ago

    Hello Guys,

    I don’t see update to Yosemite in my app store, Why ?


  32. Matias Gandolfo - 10 years ago

    I have to be a developer to works handoff? I have a mac mini mid 2011 and iphone 5s with beta 2 and no works… My iphone registered with UDID only… THanks.

  33. Maggie Ruckman - 10 years ago

    Just installed the latest beta update and now my computer does not restart. I get the main boot up scream with the apple and a loading bar. The bar gets close to finishing and then my computer turns off… what gives? How do I fix this problem?
