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All six Star Wars movies now available on iTunes

As announced, Disney has today released all six Star Wars movies as digital downloads on iTunes. The collection is priced at $89 as a bundle. Each movie can be downloaded separately for $20 a piece.

As part of the promotion, Apple has also launched a special collection featuring films, apps, TV shows, music and books from the franchise. Although iTunes is obviously a convenient option for users in the Apple ecosystem, it is not the cheapest way to buy the series. Other vendors, like Google Play, are offering much heavier discounts, so shop around for better deals.

Buying the films include iTunes Extras, however, with a selection of bonus features and clips for each film including never before seen specials “Discoveries From Inside” and “Conversations”.

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  1. cjt3007 - 9 years ago

    call me when Miyazaki/Ghibli hits iTunes, then I will care.

  2. iSRS - 9 years ago

    Glad the original article got updated from saying no bundle, yet listing $99 as a bundle price to reflect the actual $89 bundle pricing.

    But there aren’t any cheaper options that I have found. Google Play and vudu both coast $89 for the bundle.

  3. zBrain (@joeregular) - 9 years ago

    guess which episode would be watched the least…

  4. silverdrs - 9 years ago

    Just tell me who shoots first.

  5. Mark Gilchrist - 9 years ago

    But every one knows there are only THREE Star Wars films!

    • incredibilistic - 9 years ago

      With authority!!

      We obviously agree that the prequels don’t exist. It never happened, or at least they shouldn’t have happened. All three are some of the worst films ever written, directed and acted but the Phantom Menace, while not the worst in the franchise, (that title goes to Revenge of the Sith for a variety of reasons) is certainly the most useless in the series. Nothing happened!!

      Lucas’ failed attempt at storytelling was evident in TPM when he felt that in order to understand Vader we had to see him as a pod-racing toddler who can barely form full sentences while also subjecting us to the most hated character on the planet.

      I suppose Jar-Jar and his ilk were supposed to be a new spin on the Ewoks but the moment he opened his mouth everything went downhill. I liked the fact that we couldn’t understand the Ewoks which meant the writing and acting had to be conveyed properly so that we could be engaged and invested without one bit of decipherable dialog.

      It’s amazing how expressive and personable the Ewoks were without the magic of today’s CG.

  6. Benjamin (@NSbenjamins) - 9 years ago

    I think I’ll wait for May 4th to see if there’s any promo before I buy it AGAIN….

  7. incredibilistic - 9 years ago

    Since the prequels are the epitome of blasphemy in the world of cinema, not worthy of the Star Wars name, I have no desire to purchase any Star Wars film until Disney releases the original theatrical releases of Star Wars, Empire and Return (I refuse to refer to them as “Episode X”).

    According to Lucasfilm, however, the originals no longer exist. When George and his team restored the original negatives to digital he then copied over all of the original effects with the Special Edition CGI effects. Basically like painting in an Apple Watch onto the Mona Lisa and doing so on the original canvas, not a copy.

    I pray to the film gods that’s not true but if it is I’d like to start a petition for the public and televised flogging of George Lucas. To copy over (read: destroy) the original negatives of Star Wars is to denounce everything sacred about filmmaking and artistry.

    Although I’ve never seen the updated version of E.T. that replaced most of the alien’s original scenes with CGI I respected Spielberg for bundling the original film with the updated effects film in the same box. Had Lucas taken this approach from the beginning I would have more respect for him. Rather than dictating which version is better he could release both versions and let the fans decide. Many, like myself, would prefer the originals; the films we grew up with while some may like all the extra bells and whistles. At the very least let US decide that.

    But I digress.

    I’m glad they’re not holding back the films based on format but the original films need to be released. It’s like the easiest money Disney could make. I’d buy it twice on Blu-ray, one to watch, one to preserve and if they didn’t come with digital versions I’d buy them again. Even if meant having to buy the prequels I’d do it and willingly throw the prequel discs in the garbage. Dead serious.

  8. mpias3785 - 9 years ago

    Big fat hairy deal.

  9. zoidbert - 9 years ago

    I wonder how many people pre-oredered them individually before the bundle turned up?

  10. pureemily - 9 years ago

    I have waited years for these movies to be available digitally. Thanks for Disney we get another great way to watch them on the go. And also thanks for Noteburner I can watch this collection everywhere, including my Android devices.

    • iSRS - 9 years ago

      Actually, no need to buy any third party software to achieve the “anywhere” with these files. iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu can all be linked to your Disney Movies Anywhere account and 5 of the six movies will be available across all those platforms, and anything that can play Vudu.

      The lone exception is Episode IV, which can be purchased on the other two platforms for less than this software.

      But way to be subtle!


Avatar for Benjamin Mayo Benjamin Mayo

Benjamin develops iOS apps professionally and covers Apple news and rumors for 9to5Mac. Listen to Benjamin, every week, on the Happy Hour podcast. Check out his personal blog. Message Benjamin over email or Twitter.
