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Apple announces more than 13 million iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus sold in opening weekend

Following two weeks of preorders and the public launch on Friday, Apple today announced it has sold over 13 million iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus in the first three days of availability.

The company had previously stated it was on pace to beat last year’s 10 million unit sales record and has cleanly done so, topping its previous record by 3 million units. Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will be available in an additional 40 countries beginning October 9th. It is worth noting, however, that China was not part of the initial rollout for iPhone 6, distorting the comparison somewhat.

Tim Cook, Apple CEO, says iPhone 6s sales are ‘phenomenal’ …

“Sales for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus have been phenomenal, blowing past any previous first weekend sales results in Apple’s history,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Customers’ feedback is incredible and they are loving 3D Touch and Live Photos, and we can’t wait to bring iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus to customers in even more countries on October 9.”

iPhone 6s will become available in 40 additional countries from October 9th, as well as 130 total by the end of 2015. The new iPhone countries coming October 9th are:

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will roll out worldwide to more than 40 additional countries and territories beginning October 9 including Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan. On October 10, countries include Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will be available in India, Malaysia and Turkey on Friday, October 16 and in over 130 countries by the end of the year.

New countries will no doubt give a further boost to iPhone 6s sales. Following normal patterns, Apple will provide more color surrounding iPhone 6s performance at its next quarterly earnings investor call in mid October. A Foursquare footfall model proved surprisingly accurate, modelling 13-15 million opening weekend sales. Analysts at KGI say that investor response should be positive off the back of these sales numbers.

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  1. Mustafa Gerçek - 9 years ago

    oha! that was surprising.

  2. dcj001 - 9 years ago

    “Apple today announced it has sold X million iPhones”

    You obviously prepare the article in advance of the news. But once the news was released, you forgot to substitute the number for the x.

  3. Do we have the list of countries in which iPhone 6s is available starting October 9th ?

  4. Ossian (@OssianNorthen) - 9 years ago

    X million iPhones, that’s amazing!

  5. epicflyingcat - 9 years ago

    Literally means nothing. Just that Apple had a slightly larger stock the last year.

  6. ahaller9 - 9 years ago

    What case is this?

  7. Bryan Brown - 9 years ago

    My concern is that Apple sale should actually be higher since it went on sale in about the same amount of countries last year but China wasn’t included. Seems to me like the numbers should be a lot higher.

    • incredibilistic - 9 years ago

      The fact that there’s another 130 countries that don’t have it means there’s a lot more sales in the pipeline. No need to worry.

    • mikhailt - 9 years ago

      It’s actually a higher number of countries, not the same; 12 launch countries this year with 10 last year without China and 11 before that with China.

      You are correct the number should be higher but it is still a great number considering they did ran out of the initial stock and without having any major defects found.

    • nathillien - 9 years ago

      Yes it should be higher.
      It should be 15M just to break even (with China included).

  8. Smigit - 9 years ago

    “It is worth noting, however, that China was not part of the initial rollout for iPhone 6, distorting the comparison somewhat.”

    In this case sold means the customer has the phone right, back orders aren’t included? If so, I wonder if it would have changed a lot having China as a launch nation last year. The iPhone 6Plus certainly sold out worldwide in quick time last year, although I’m not sure what the situation was with the smaller model. Adding regions doesn’t necessarily help sales if Apples selling out all their stock in day one anyway, which my local Apple Store managed to do.

  9. Ilko Sarafski - 9 years ago

    So many of us are correct. I remember Ben Lovejoy saying that 6s probably won’t beat the 6, but I, along with many other, argued that. But it doesn’t matter who’s right and who’s wrong, what’s more important is that China is amongst the first to get the new iPhones. So the question is – is China responsible for 3 millions of sales? It sure can be! But still – so far, the iPhone’s future is rather ensured! And I am sure that the 7 + iOS 10 will be astonishing! So only good news in the next couple of years I guess.

  10. Phone for the sheeple. Why do people these days always feel the need to get the latest iStuff? There is barely any difference between the very first iPhone and the 6. A touch screen phone with internet… WOW!

    You shouldn’t be able to complain about the economy or your own personal financial situation if you blow your money on trivial Apple crap.

    Many American have a steak taste on a hamburger budget . That’s part of the problem we now face from a long time ago. Barrow to the max and then whine about now having enough money . Nice house , car or truck and boat. Can you afford them or does it really matter at this period of time?

    I’m just gonna make smart decisions with my money so I don’t end up with an empty bank account:

    1) Paying off my debts as they come to me. Never holding a credit card balance longer than a month. If this means living in a small studio apartment and eating ramen, rice, and beans, so be it.
    2) I will always buy small, fuel efficient and durable cars. I drive a 2006 Honda Civic now. It costs me nothing to fill up and next to nothing to insure ($25/month from Insurance Panda… woohoo!). I will not drive when I don’t need to, and use public transportation whenever possible.
    3) Developing multiple revenue streams. Doing side jobs. Building up small businesses. Doing contract work. Basically doing whatever I can to generate income from multiple sources.
    4) Grow my revenue and assets no matter what. Make sure I am always expanding and develop them to the point that they consistently generate reliable cash flow.
    5) The most important one – make as much as I can. Save as much as I can.

    iPhones… ecigarettes… Starbucks… $12 Chipotle Burritos…new clothes.. organic lipgloss… expensive yoga classes. Why not try living in your means for once? No wonder we have a debt crisis.

    • ahaller9 - 9 years ago

      Wow, Happy Girl… You don’t sound too happy

    • samuelsnay - 9 years ago


      I mean, you sound like you know what to do with your shitty income. Good for you, I guess?

      Those of us who can afford the things we want would appreciate you keep your life list to yourself and spare us the bullshit lecture.

    • Robert Dupuy - 9 years ago

      You don’t think of an iPhone as a computer, but I do. It’s a tool, invest in tools that increase your output. While it’s true that debt is a burden – notice you said you’d still buy a car, rather than walk everywhere, and you want a fuel efficient one. The iPhone 6S has the fastest SoC of any phone made – it is the most efficient. You’ve made a mistake in listing an iPhone on your list of consumables, its not that.

    • proudinfidelusmc - 9 years ago

      You’re right, Chipotle is HIGHLY OVERRATED and OVERPRICED. You can get a REAL Mexican burrito for less than $5 which is infinitely better tasting.

    • fistsoffrost123 - 9 years ago

      This is by far one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever read on a tech blog. Who said they’re going into bankruptcy for an iPhone? These damn things are $20-35/month, and help people communicate with loved ones all over the world, entertain children, study and learn, capture memories, enjoy music, etc. who are you to place value on these devices for 7 billion people?

      Blaming society’s debt problems on the iPhone is reaching so far it’s comical. Joe Blow going to the at&t store to buy and iPhone isn’t on the same level as the country financing two wars and a bailout on an ‘unlimited’ credit card.

  11. Drake Holmes - 9 years ago

    And yet I didn’t even get mine yet. I preordered through best buy on the first day preorders were available, and they didn’t get their shipment of + models. Not happy.

  12. nathillien - 9 years ago

    13M WITH China this year?
    Shouldn’t than number be 15M to 18M to show a growth of iPhone sales considering China holds almost a third of iPhone sales.
    Yeah it’s technically a record but a record that shows Apple and iPhone already peaked last year.

  13. charilaosmulder - 9 years ago

    Would expect a few “Apple is doomed” comments here.

  14. tigerpork - 9 years ago

    3 million android users converted

  15. Well, October 9 for Slovakia s well but there’s no mention anywhere yet. I don’t know if seller here will run pre-orders. More realistically I’ll be able to get it by the end of November. Waiting and waiting.

  16. Robert Dupuy - 9 years ago

    They reconfigured ‘first weekend’ to include more stock and more countries. 13 million isn’t bad news, it does mean that nothing terrible has happened and all their customers didn’t disappear. But whether iPhone sales will be up next quarter, or actually down year-over-year, is still in question. About the same would be a good guess.


Avatar for Benjamin Mayo Benjamin Mayo

Benjamin develops iOS apps professionally and covers Apple news and rumors for 9to5Mac. Listen to Benjamin, every week, on the Happy Hour podcast. Check out his personal blog. Message Benjamin over email or Twitter.
