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Happy Hour Podcast 034 | iPhone 6s and 6s Plus impressions

Apple’s iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are finally here and we’re giving you a rundown of our favorite features and overall impressions. Does the iPhone 6s live up to the hype? Check out this week’s episode for more details. The Happy Hour podcast is available for download on iTunes and through our dedicated RSS feed.

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Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

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  1. Urkel (@Urkel) - 9 years ago

    I’m just not understanding the praise for Live Photos considering the iPhone has two methods to do short clip videos with far superior results.

    1) Burst Photos – iPhones have had this feature for years but now its with gorgeous 12MP photos. Hold down the shutter and get a dozen shots piled together and choose the best one. If you use Google Photos then you know that they have an “Assistant” that compiles these into a great looking animation. Apple could still use the “Always Recording” camera to grab the pre-shots and audio and simply use the burst frames to automatically create the “Live Photo”

    2) 4k Video Bursts – The iPhone 6S does 4k Video. And you want to capture these moving moments with blurry after-images? Imagine Live Photo was a camera option that triggered 4k Video in a 3 second interval. That would result in stunning short clips that don’t look like mud.

    With either of these methods then the user can choose any frame they want as the keyframe because each shot is of EQUAL quality. (Unlike the Live Photo we have where everything is a blur and the main shot is of lower quality of a standard single frame shot.

    Don’t get me wrong. I do like the concept of Live Photos. But considering Apple’s current technologies then I’m not understanding the praise of getting “Gif Quality Moving Video” using our 12MP 4k iPhones.
