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Opinion: Apple’s rumored 4-inch iPhone 5se may well be worth seriously considering

I remarked on a recent episode of 9to5Mac’s Happy Hour podcast that the rumored 4-inch iPhone would absolutely need to take Live Photos for me to even consider giving it a serious test run. I’ve taken enough really good Live Photos — full resolution still images with brief motion and sound captured as well — on my iPhone 6s Plus that it’s one feature I wouldn’t trade.

Then on Friday we had Mark Gurman’s reporting that Apple was planning Live Photos, an iPhone 6s feature, for the expected 4-inch iPhone 5se (which likely won’t be called 6c). Today that reporting was followed up with the possibility that the iPhone 5se could have the same processor and co-processor as the iPhone 6s, albeit with fewer pixels to push with a smaller display.

Suddenly the iPhone 5se is sounding less like last year’s hardware recycled and more like a serious 4-inch phone to consider. But who is the iPhone 5se for and is it really worth considering if you’re like me and run to the latest and greatest hardware? I’m still thinking through this prospect myself, and I have a few thoughts worth considering before the device is officially unveiled …

The easiest answer to the question over who the iPhone 5se is for is people who prefer smaller displays. The iPhone stayed at 3.5-inches for five models with the iPhone in 2007 through the iPhone 4s in 2011. Then we had the taller iPhone 5, 5s, and 5c models introduced in 2012 and 2013 with 4-inch displays after pressure from phablet-sized Android smartphones which had only gotten bigger by then.

Then Apple went further by increasing the standard display size to 4.7-inches with the iPhone 6 in 2014, adding the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus option, and leaving the 4-inch iPhone hardware unchanged. While there’s no reason to think Apple will ever return to 3.5-inch iPhones, it looks like modern 4-inch iPhones are about to become a serious option for fans of smaller devices.

And there’s plenty of reasons to prefer a smaller iPhone over a larger option. Apple advertised the one-hand optimized screen size with the iPhone 5 when it was new, which was a rather defensive move against giant Android handsets. The larger 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhones rely on a trick called Reachability to make higher elements on screen accessible with one-hand use.

But there’s no solution for reaching screen space too far to the right or left. I still can’t one-hand the Plus model reliably and switch between the alphabet and emoji keyboard. This is less of an issue for me with the 4.7-inch model versus the 5.5-inch model, but I imagine users with smaller hands see it on both screen sizes.

One last point here. I believed before that Apple Watch would free me up from needing to ever really one-hand an iPhone, but it quickly becomes apparent that Apple Watch is not a totally hands-free device and often not even a one-hand device. Just try walking quickly through an airport with a hot cup of Starbucks in one hand lugging a suitcase in the other. Suddenly the Apple Watch becomes sort of read-only, but back to iPhones…

Beyond what Apple calls Reachability, there’s also pocket-ability to consider. Larger iPhones tend to fit more comfortably in back pockets for whatever reason, which helped lead to the 2014 #bendgate controversy that seems all but resolved with stronger series aluminum, but I can see the appeal of a more pocket-friendly iPhone even beyond the 4.7-inch model.

With the smaller display, you do miss out on a better photo and video viewing experience, larger canvas for web browsing, and generally see less information on screen at once, but I’m coming around to the idea that the iPad and Mac are better suited for those tasks anyway.

For me, the iPhone is primarily used for taking photos and videos, messaging, playing podcasts and music, and of course catching the occasional phone call. A smaller iPhone would likely mean shorter battery life, which is something even the larger iPhones haven’t totally nailed yet, but I’m already used to packing external batteries on serious trips and charging frequently.

Then there are those hardware specs to consider. I can live without 3D Touch and 4K video. I use the pressure-sensitive display feature often but I could lose it without being slowed down too much, and I’m shooting 4K video now but it takes noticeably more time to edit and process and required upload time is much longer for me than 1080p video. I wouldn’t want to drop from 12MP to 8MP for the rear camera, though, and the difference in FaceTime camera quality for still photos would be dramatic at 5MP versus 1.2MP.

The trickiest part here is that the 4-inch iPhone still won’t be up to speed with the larger 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch models, so it’s hard for me to jump on board knowing that there’s technically a more state-of-the-art iPhone to be had. For a lot of people, I suspect having a smaller iPhone makes it “technically better” than larger models, but for me the 4.7-inch iPhone is probably the best solution.

So why even consider the iPhone 5se at all? I tried an iPhone 5 for a couple of days a few months and was super impressed with how easy it was to use one-handed. Your eyes adjust to the difference in size either direction after a bit of use. I’m currently using the iPhone 6s Plus, which I generally appreciate, but sometimes find uncomfortable for me during one-handed use.

<a href="" target="_blank">4-inch iPhone renders</a>

I’d put my money on me likely trying out the expected 4-inch iPhone 5se when it launches long enough to give it an honest and informed review, but I can’t imagine it’ll be appealing enough to me to sit out on the next iPhone 7 when it follows later in the year.

The decision of which iPhone is best for you is very complicated and the correct answer can easily change and be informed by other devices. iPhone 6s Plus made more sense to me before I gained an iPad Pro. Now I’m considering optimizing for the occasion: more portable when on-the-go, and more capable when I need it.

<a href="" target="_blank">Purported 4-inch iPhone leak</a>

As ever, I suspect my preferences will change year-to-year, maybe even month-to-month, but I imagine other readers are similarly second-guessing which iPhone in the increasingly complex lineup is best for the job.

My final thought is that the decision would be made all the easier if there was truly a state-of-the-art version of the 4-inch iPhone, not a “special edition” version with a mix of hardware from various generations, but I’m sure 4-inch iPhone fans are pleased to learn that Apple Pay, Live Photos, and a faster processor are all in the cards for the next 4-inch iPhone update. As ever, let us know what you think in the comments.

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  1. patstar5 - 8 years ago

    I wonder if android competitors will release a small screen premium device.
    4 inch is way to small for me, I like how the original Moto X was 4.7 inches yet about the same size as an iPhone 5.
    I do know one person who said they weren’t buying an iPhone 6 because of the size, I guess apple is targeting those customers.

    • taoprophet420 - 8 years ago

      The Moto X or LG G2 mini are prime examples of 4.7′ devices with a footprint close to the iPhone 5.

      I think Apple originally planned to reduce the bezels on the iPhone 7 and is why they opted not to release an updated 4″ in the fall. If the iPhone 7 footprint gets shrunk down I don’t see the point of the new 4″ model.

      • Greg Kaplan (@kaplag) - 8 years ago

        I’d be pretty shocked if that happens with the iphone 7. I think that’s probably slated more for the 2018.

        It would be a massive amount of change to push through all at once. Drop headphones, move home button, incorporate touch id into screen, non removable sim, and solve battery life problems from reducing volume – even with dropping internal parts.

        I can see some of those things happening in the fall, some of the others happening next fall and then a full redesign bringing it all together in 2018.

        But who knows. I’d be delighted if it happened sooner.

      • patstar5 - 8 years ago

        Maybe they will move fingerprint scanner go the back? But then you wouldn’t have a home button unless apple did software buttons like android…
        I love the back button in android, no more searching for it on the screen like iOS. How far do you have to reach you on the 6+ to hit it? Unless the changed app guidelines, they usually had it on the top left corner.

  2. minieggseater - 8 years ago

    One of the few things i dislike about ny 6+ is that i cant swipe to answer a call with one hand. The screen is just too wide fir my thumb

    But for all the other things i use it for the 5.5 screen is the right size for me

    I just wish there was another method to answer a call

    • PhilBoogie - 8 years ago

      It’s in /Settings/General/Accessibility

      • minieggseater - 8 years ago

        Thanks. But i cant see an option in there that will allow me to answer a call using another method ?

  3. baussie - 8 years ago

    I would love to see a 4-inch iPhone coming to the market, however, not with the CPU and the camera that were released 1.5 years ago. Plus if it is going to have iPhone 6 design, it really should not be marketed as ‘iPhone 5se’ (which is a stupid name by all means).

  4. Jimmy Hauser - 8 years ago

    I came to the conclusion a long time ago that if I am in a situation where I don’t have both hands free to use my phone, then I should not be using my phone.

  5. Charlypollo - 8 years ago

    They decision of which iPhone model to buy will be easy if Apple does the pricing right. In my country the price of the 6s increased 25% over the price of the 6, because of the exchange rate of the local currency. My friends are currently buying the 6 instead of the 6s because of this. So, if Apple gives a low enough price to balance the exchange rate, people will be encouraged to buy the latest model, even if it’s the “economic” one.

  6. Shyuan - 8 years ago

    Comparing my Mi4 and i6s, they have a really similar body size despite screen size being 5″ and 4.7″ respectively. I will accept anything that is about the same size as both of these phones, or even slightly smaller (yet not too entry level) i.e. the rumoured iPhone 5se. I’ve used OnePlus One (5.5″ screen) for 1.5 years, the number of times I drop this phone is more than the total times I drop all other phones, guess big phones are not my thing. :P

  7. sardonick - 8 years ago

    After texting on handed on my galaxy note 5 and missing my iPhone 5s, I’m definitely going to check out the 5abcd. The name sounds dumb, but the specs sound worth inspecting.

  8. Greg Kaplan (@kaplag) - 8 years ago

    I think this is just a step in the right direction. It proves everyone who was saying ,’4″ iphones are dead’, were wrong. That alone makes me pretty satisfied.

    Wanting a new 4″ model with flagship specks is a pipe dream (you’d be high on something if you think that’s possible without compromises).

    This device is compromised. I think it’s compromised in the most safe way. It says, “Here’s the best we could do with keeping all the stuff you know about iphones intact.” That’s fine… but it’s also boring.

    I don’t expect to get a flagship 4″ but I do want a more interesting 4″ line. One that makes even more extreme compromises. One that pushes the idea of what an iphone is. I’ve probably said it a bunch but I want the macbook of iphones. This phone is like the 2011 macbook air. It will be an all around good device but missing the headlines features of the larger ones and not as interesting as something pushed further.

    • o0smoothies0o - 8 years ago

      You realize there are compromises between the iPhone Plus and iPhone right? Do you call the iPhone non-flagship? You are confusing intention with capability. Apple doesn’t want to make a flagship 4″ phone, or they would. Would it have as many features as the iPhone? No. Would it have even fewer features than the iPhone Plus? Yes. Would it have most of the same features and thus be considered a flagship? Absolutely.

      • Greg Kaplan (@kaplag) - 8 years ago

        Smoothies, The second time I said ‘flagship 4″‘ I meant ‘flagship specked 4″‘ like the first mention I made. There are people who are expecting all of the same power, camera, features,and battery life to somehow magically fit in the that form factor..

        I think they will make a flagship 4″, That’s partially why I’m fine with this model not trying to be something totally fresh and new. It leaves room in the lineup for that to come out later. I think this model is them covering their bases with a well rounded phone.

      • I also think it is worth concidering, that Apple is checking if there actually is a market for a smaller iPhone. And what better (cheaper and quicker) way is there, than bumping up the 5-model, and see how well it does. If it meets Apple’s goals, I bet next year we will see a new smaller verision, that is closer to the normal iPhone.

      • o0smoothies0o - 8 years ago

        @Greg the same power would, it might be under locked slightly due to less space for heat dissipation, that’s it. The same camera would fit, maybe not OIS (the iPhone 6S Plus has OIS, the iPhone 6s does not). The battery would of course be smaller, but also powering a smaller screen. The differences would not be that great, hence why the iPhone 6 series has only negligible longer battery life than the iPhone 5 series. The iPhone 6 Plus is the only one that has a lot more.

    • In my opinion people always wanting 4″ phones, just because there are people with different needs and it is hard to satisfy all of them with two sizes. It was apple that stopped offering new flagship phones in that range. I personally loved my 5s and thought that will not like the 6, but after owning it for a few months I don’t think I am going back to a smaller phone. I am also not sure if 5se can be called flagship. It will be interesting how they try to market it. It could just be an updated 5s version. Granted if all rumors turned to be true it puts him up there with quite nice specs.

  9. minieggseater - 8 years ago

    Wonder what the battery life will be like with a snall battery …. Or maybe this is the model that looses the headphone jack to naximise batt capacity space …

    • o0smoothies0o - 8 years ago

      The iPhone 7 will be the first Apple device to lose the headphone jack. They wouldn’t do it with this 4″ specifically because it isn’t launching with the iPhone 7, and the iPhone 7 is going to be a major redesign.

  10. pdixon1986 - 8 years ago

    I think for those people that want a cheaper option into the world of apple and don’t need the latest of technology, then this is a great option…
    Some people don’t need the big phones, with fancy new features etc…
    But that’s not to say this phone wont be any good… last years tech for the phone is still good and able to run iOS9 with little to no issues… throw in some updated design features and add in some bonuses, like the live photos etc, then you have a pretty good phone…

    The only concern will be the price… apple need to get the price right if they want to tempt older phone users (those still on iphone 4 and 5) to upgrade… some of those users didnt want the bigger screen…
    There are also those people that didnt like the high price tag for this years tech in a big phone — so this could be a good option IF the price is right.

  11. spittingcat - 8 years ago

    Why did I bother to read this?

    No news. No insight. No laughs. No answers.

  12. Dafty Punk - 8 years ago

    I went back to my unlocked iPhone 5 (from the 6) while traveling in Europe last fall. Beyond the battery that barely held a charge due to age, the phone itself was HEAVEN to use. I forgot how great it was to have a phone you can use easily with one hand. I have an iPad and MacBook Pro for when I need a larger screen. If I’m on the go, 4″ iPhone 5 screen is perfect. I’d love one with updated guts.

  13. alanol - 8 years ago

    I have long thought that miniturization was an advantage. I personally prefer the 4″ iPhone. It fits into my pants pocket neatly so I can sit and drive without it digging into my midsection, it is usable with one hand and isn’t a huge (read ugly) device that needs elaborate cases and accessories that take up apsace and require a backpack to schlep around. I’d buy a high spec’d 4″ iPhone in a heartbeat. Please Apple don’t degrade it and position it as an “entry level” device.

  14. Balcis (@balcis) - 8 years ago

    I’m an apple user and almost a fanboy but even I got sick of this attitude of whatever apple does it’s good in anyways. Please, let something be not to consider, something not worth buyting, just some s**t that you won’t eat because apple did.


  15. triankar - 8 years ago

    Apple will be very wise to give us a full-featured iPhone 6S inside the 5SE. At least camera-wise.

    They can probably skip 3D Touch, but I, for one, would love to see the same camera on the smaller phone. I regard my 6S as too big and unwieldy to handle with one hand (I have an iPad mini if I want to enjoy a “big” screen). So I’d switch back to a 4inch phone very easily, as long as I could shoot equally good photos with the current one (photography is a big thing for me).

    Generally, my take is that the differentiating factor should be mainly the screen size and the physically smallest iPhone should not also be the worst one, feature-wise.

    And, needless to say, they should dump the 16GB version. Whoever’s bought it has simply regretted it. Deeply! Apple is doing a Samsung here: releasing an under-specced product as the “affordable” option.

  16. jramskovk (@jramskovk) - 8 years ago

    If my wife is to decide, small, long battery life and better antennas would be at the top of the wishlist, but she’s actually considering completely dropping her iPhone and simply get an old style “feature phone” instead. She’s not really using Facebook or anything and she’s got an iPad for mail and such.

  17. dailycardoodle - 8 years ago

    Tell me again why this ‘mini iPhone 6’ device that looks like a 6 and has some 6 internals and will be sold next to the 6 and 6+ in a year when apple will be selling 6 and 7 phones will be called a 5se?

  18. Clem - 8 years ago

    While working for Apple in R&D in the late ’80’s into ’92, I saw lots of versions of “new” Macs built that never saw the light of day. We worked hard on the ‘new’ Mac, sans the beige case, in favor of the one in the new color, still the 68000 Moto processor, dual floppy drives, but still, a paltry one meg of memory. Hence the moniker we had to live with, post-Mac Plus, as the new Mac was dubbed the Mac SE (Somewhat Enhanced)

  19. blakthundar - 8 years ago

    What I would really like for Apple to do is to just decrease the bezels on their iPhone’s. I think if they did that with the iPhone, the 4″ screen size people would be happy and not have a need for a smaller screen. I love my 6S Plus, but the top and bottom bezel’s do seem to be just way too big. That being said, I do think the smaller screen/last years internals does have a market i.e. those who don’t need the latest/greatest, kids/students, and in emerging markets/markets where the currency exchange makes the bigger models cost prohibitive.

  20. Igor Magnani - 8 years ago

    Well.. I never felt the need of a bigger screen on a phone. If I want to watch a movie or so, I can grab my iPad or MacBook. For me a Phone is all about portability and one-hand use, and that’s why I kept my 5S. And since I really like the 5S design and the 6 didn’t have a real spec bump, it was easy, but then the 6S came out and I got really tempted. Thx god they’re making a good small phone! I would love if they pack all 6S features onto the 5se, but I don’t really mind if they leave a few out. Since the 5se case is thicker, I’m guessing Apple engineers might be able to fit a lot of features. I’m looking forward to march event, let’s see how that goes..

  21. godofbiscuits - 8 years ago

    Apple will never name a brand new product using an older designation. Any new 4″ phone would be an iPhone 6

  22. kariljonesblog - 8 years ago

    I have small hands and dread the thought that I may have to go to a larger screen. Also, this size fits in my pocket like a phone should! Larger sized phones do NOT! I love my 5s size so much so that I may purchase an extra 5s to have for the future if they announce retirement without a 4 inch screen phone! I hope this rumor is true and I WOULD purchase one! In personal opinion I’m willing to sacrifice some state of the art function for a phone I can actually use and hold!

  23. Nathan Neit Cordero - 8 years ago

    Apple should take this opportunity with your iPhone 5 to launch its gratitude to the fans who like having a cell phone screen 4 ” inch Specifications and bring better battery, better processor and better design and modern colors 2-3 and innovators such as blue gold, red gold, blue black space, red black space. 2 of these 4 options as a new color, in addition to eliminate immediately 16GB and 32GB are all on. estoi not agree with the new for a 4.7 ” and 5.5 ” apple best demonstrated its technological power when using the size 4 ” inches. not but that’s my opinion and if I can say that soi one who wants an iPhone 4 ” inches and with the best possible specifications.

  24. PAUL SCHRADER - 8 years ago


  25. Scott Godwin - 8 years ago

    Smaller phones are for cool people. Big phones are for nerds or people who need glasses. I can still do my googling and home banking on a four inch phone. Texting is a drag and keeps you socially inept by never having face to face or audible contact. If you want to be rich someday, you better get it out of your mind you can skip having contact with people using text or email. And you people playing games on a phone are already pretty much in the same category as drug users and gambling addicts. I’ll get the new four inch iPhone and replace my 5S. The fact I get a faster phone and don’t have to pay as much as the nerds buying those idiot five inch phones seems perfect to me. If I want bigger I do what other more high heeled people do, I go to my laptop.


Avatar for Zac Hall Zac Hall

Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created
