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Kanye West continues bizarre Twitter tirade, says his new album will ‘never’ be on Apple Music

As his bizarre Twitter tirade continues, Kanye West this evening has shared that his latest album “The Life of Pablo” will never be on Apple Music and will remain an exclusive to Jay-Z’s Tidal streaming service. The tweet was posted in the midst of another rant by Kanye, during which he criticized various new outlets and told everyone to “shut up and enjoy the greatness.”

Kanye owns a stake in Tidal and exclusively made the album available on the platform last Friday, while also holding an event at Madison Square Garden that was exclusively live streamed on the streaming service, as well.

On Friday, West tweeted a plea to a variety of tech moguls like Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page, asking for them to invest “$1 billion into Kanye West ideas,” while also claiming he was $53 million in personal debt. “All you dudes in San Fran play rap music in your homes but never help the real artists,” he tweeted. Furthermore, the rapper claimed that he is “this generation’s Disney,” while noting that he apparently “doesn’t have the resources to create what I really can.”

West’s slam of Apple Music comes less than a week after he announced a new video game that allows characters to control his dead mother in angel form and guide her through the gates of heaven on a flying white pegasus in the clouds. Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, brought in around $200 million with her game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood on the App Store, so West is looking to ideally share the same success and get himself out of debt(?).

Whether or not Kanye stays true to his word and actually keeps the The Life of Pablo as a Tidal exclusive remains to be seen. Judging by his tweets recently, not even Kanye knows what’s going on inside of Kanye’s head anymore. But for now, you’ll have to sign up for Tidal to stream the album…or explore the internet for other options…

Beats 1 host Julie Adenuga responded to Kanye’s tweet with this…

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  1. jakexb - 8 years ago

    I believe that he’d keep it off Apple Music as long as Tidal hangs on. But Tidal’s days are numbered.
    They’ve got to be hemorrhaging money at this point.

  2. BEN (@_THELIFEOFPABLO) - 8 years ago

    couldn’t his record label Def Jam (part of UMG) just release it on Apple Music…?

  3. cameroncovington - 8 years ago

    If he actually wants people to listen to it, he better put up somewhere other than Tidal.

  4. iSRS - 8 years ago


  5. pretsky - 8 years ago

    Degenerate loser.

  6. 89p13 - 8 years ago

    Who cares? This is news, how? “No talent, never was, never will be, refuses to release his noise. Less noise – that’s a Great Thing

  7. Atlas (@Metascover) - 8 years ago

    Why is he always mad? I’m not sure it’s normal to be always like that.

  8. applewatch20152015 - 8 years ago

    What a complete fucking TOOL. Saying that people will play rap music but won’t support the artist? What happens after I buy an album on iTunes? Isn’t THAT supporting the artist?

    Whatever…this douchebag needs to go on Shark Tank and pitch them for his $1 billion ask. I’d love to hear his business plan…which probably includes buying useless shit for “inspiration” and giving money to his entourage. The dude ain’t THAT good and needs a reality check. Can’t wait for Tidal to go under.

    • Rich Davis (@RichDavis9) - 8 years ago

      He wouldn’t last 5 minutes on Shark Tank asking for $1 Bil. Remember, they typically only want to invest in businesses that have a track record, patents and something that they can pour money into that will get them a quick ROI. It would be funny to have him make his pitch and everyone on the show in unison says “You’re an idiot! I’m out!” while he walks away embarrassed.

      • 89p13 - 8 years ago

        HIM – Walk away embarrassed — Never Happen! That means he would have to have an idea what a Douche he is. N0, I’m pretty sure he’d have a verbal attack on the Sharks — ending with some sorry-assed excuse about their lack of business sense.

        Slink off to Kim, tool bag – and then both of you can ride off into oblivion, which, IMO, is where you all belong!


  9. so what, his music stinks anyways.

  10. Malcolm Reynolds - 8 years ago

    Who really cares. Keep the pollution out of iTunes.
    Hopefully they will remove all those stupid Kardashian apps from the store as well.

  11. John Evos - 8 years ago

    totalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DOUCHEEEEEE!!!

  12. Howie Isaacks - 8 years ago

    Piss on him. His stuff sucks anyway.

  13. mtitech94 - 8 years ago

    its not like i was going to listen to his music anyways

  14. sardonick - 8 years ago

    This offensive piece of crap needs to just go away.

  15. mytawalbeh - 8 years ago

    Anyway,,, his music sinks. And I’m very concerned about his mental health.

  16. pdixon1986 - 8 years ago

    For someone in $53mil in debt, but continuing to live the way he does, buying the clothes he does etc, seems like he’s not trying to get out of debt…

    Plus, restricting himself to just Tidal will limit his income…

    If you want to spend money on your ideas, then fine…if you want to limit where your music can be listened to, then fine… but don’t go begging to people to jump on your bandwagon.

    releasing a game, with a dead mother flying on pegasus — this sounds like a crazy guy…if i were a rich guy he was begging too i would show him the game and say “this is why i wont invest in you, never mind help pay off your debt…obviously you cant manage money well”

    • youritouber - 8 years ago

      exactly, when they started about that pegasus shit I seriously started doubting this guys mental health.

  17. rnc - 8 years ago

    Good, saves me hassle of me teaching Apple Music that I don’t want Kanye West new album, in case it pops-up on the Radios.

  18. Jonathan Brusco - 8 years ago

    I sense a new Apple Music marketing campaign… “Apple Music. Dre not Kanye”

  19. Larry Gusaas (@lgusaas) - 8 years ago

    Not having having his music available on Apple Music is a good start. Next step – not having his music available anywhere.

  20. gilmournz - 8 years ago

    “ut for now, you’ll have to sign up for Tidal to stream the album…or explore the internet for other options…”

    I absolutely love the second half of this sentence. Brilliant.

  21. Rich Davis (@RichDavis9) - 8 years ago

    I think Kanye is getting drunk and he is just putting out some awfully stupid comments. Telling people he’s in debt $53 Mil and then begging Zuckerberg to give him $1 Bil. What a moron. Why would someone give him $1 Bil when he can’t even manage the income he already makes. That wouldn’t be a good idea. They are probably half baked ideas.

  22. Monty™© MCMLXXII - 8 years ago

    I just pray he stays true to his words

  23. Enough with this “artist”. He’s full of ******.

  24. checker92 - 8 years ago

    And I should care about this because…?

  25. 1nf3cted - 8 years ago

    So his album is not even for sale, and is only available to stream on the most unsuccessful streaming service, simply because he is financially invested in it, and friends with Jay-Z? People who are interested in his new album will probably just start a free trial ONLY to listen to the album; a select handful will find that they prefer the Tidal service over the competition, while many others who enjoyed the album will find some way to torrent it without a penny going to West. Some diehard fans will offer their hand in support, but Kanye would slap away the hands that aren’t holding money with his name on it.

    I mean, he’s really that full of himself that he thinks an album, which he’s all but admitted is not his best due to financial limitations, will save a struggling service? Then, knowing full well it won’t make much of a profit, is asking the leaders of tech to donate *$1 BILLION* to help ensure his next works will be better? Is that number correct? A billion to fund future releases? You can’t tell me that’s not overkill in the highest form.

    This is the most pretentious thing I’ve heard in my entire life. I hope this entire proposition implodes on itself, leaving him in debt and turning to his wife’s “internet-breaking” nude ass to stay afloat. Even if I wanted to hear his new music, it doesn’t deserve any of my honestly-earned money.

  26. Just paid for my apple music subscription!

  27. Joe Barnickel - 8 years ago

    Good, don’t want to hear your garbage you call music anyway. It was torture enough listening to you on SNL.

    • JBDragon - 8 years ago

      That’s a perfect reason to have a DVR, you can FF right though that crap!

  28. Funny, cuz his album is ‘on Apple’ since Tidal is on App Store 😂

  29. travis2l - 8 years ago

    Who’s Kanye West?

  30. André Hedegaard - 8 years ago

    This is GREAT news!! It means Apple Music will retain quality music :)

  31. Jake Becker - 8 years ago

    Still a better love story than a Taylor Swift song.

  32. dksmidtx - 8 years ago

    Maybe someone should send him Dave Ramsey’s phone number…

  33. Cherry Barry - 8 years ago

    the album is shit, im listening to it right now on tidal

  34. Marc Orcutt - 8 years ago

    It is his music, he’s the publisher (as far as I know), so he can do whatever he wants with it. And, obviously, he has to accept the consequences of that. It’s just business. I would think that not exposing his art (it isn’t my cup of tea but I know others like it) to a broader audience by limiting its distribution channel to just Tidal is short cited and a poor business decision. However, he’s also a stakeholder in Tidal and, frankly, I don’t know how that will survive without unique offers (since it is $20/month).

    So its his decision, but I don’t need to hear him whining about. Kanye may be brilliant, but his narcissistic personality traits are just too much to take seriously.

    • cxpblg - 8 years ago

      I don’t want Tidal either because I prefer the streaming service I already use, but Tidal is not $20. They do have a $20 (idiot audiophile) tier, but they have a $10 normal tier just like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Spotify, Rhapsody, Rdio (RIP), etc.

      Part of me thinks that their focus on their data-wasting ultra-“high-quality” feature was the biggest blunder in their launch. If they’d just said “We have all the music you love plus huge exclusives, same price you’re paying only more goes to artists than the other guys” they could have had SO many fans in their corner. Instead they promoted the $20 plan, won like 39 people who imagine they can tell the difference, and everyone else immediately heard their message as “LET US GOUGE YOU FOR DOUBLE PRICE ON MUSIC!!! HAHA, WE’RE RICH ARTISTS WHO WANT EVEN MORE MONEY!”

  35. Marc Orcutt - 8 years ago

    Only available on Tidal? Yeah, sure until it’s out on Pirate Bay and numerous other sites for free (if it isn’t already).

    • Doug Aalseth - 8 years ago

      It’s there. And it might be the first album to go platinum on an illegal pirate site.

      • Monty™© MCMLXXII - 8 years ago

        HAHA that’s hilarious

      • Marc Orcutt - 8 years ago

        Yeah I just saw this too: “The Life of Pablo has been downloaded over 500,000 times since its release on February 14, according to TorrentFreak” [Gizmodo]

  36. This is excellent news

  37. Leif Paul Ashley - 8 years ago

    Guy is a tool – who listens to him anyway? Well that’s ok because I can find like 20k artists just like him on iTunes. He can go down with the ship.

  38. Jason Paris (@jparismd) - 8 years ago

    So funny. The harder they make it to get the music with greedy exclusives makes it just more convenient to “purchase” on BitTorrent. Haha. You lose.

  39. Salvador Sanchez - 8 years ago

    I hate his so-called “music” anyway. I worry Radiohead’s “In Rainbows” will never be available on iTunes or Apple Music.

  40. scumbolt2014 - 8 years ago

    Screw him. Sure he’s 53 million in debt, because if he is he’s even stupider than his tweets make him sound. Asshole

  41. Lee Mahi - 8 years ago

    I’m a huge Yeezy fan since College Dropout. But now I don’t even feel the least bad about torrenting his album a few days ago. He’s not going to make much money off of this album. What a douche. His album is pretty good though.

  42. Maybe Taylor Swift can help him negotiate a better iTunes deal.

  43. Rich Alex - 8 years ago

    Lol Well all 7 of his albums went multi platinum, his clothing line sells out in minutes, his stream on tidal had over 20 million views, and he designed for Louis Vuitton Nike and adidas so someone likes him, even if you guys don’t.

    • cxpblg - 8 years ago

      Then why is he broke? No, seriously. I like Kanye. I want him to succeed. How can he be broke even though all those things you said are true?

  44. tewinter - 8 years ago

    Who cares.

  45. akibbe02 - 8 years ago

    It doesn’t sound like he cares whether it sells or not. His recent tweets sound like a man who’s reached a Howard Hughes level of paranoid affluenza. The public is entertained by it, but it sounds like a serious breakdown.


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Chance is an editor for the entire 9to5 network and covers the latest Apple news for 9to5Mac.

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