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Apple sued in China for not including iPhone chargers in the box

Apple sued for not including iPhone chargers

Apple is being sued in China for failing to include iPhone chargers in the box. The report says that the lawsuit has been put forward for ‘public interest’ status, suggesting that it could be fast-tracked or given a higher profile.

It follows a consumer protection fine in Brazil for the same issue, and Apple being forced to continue to supply EarPods with iPhones in France …

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Lisa Jackson says Apple buys carbon offsets, but 80% is real clean energy

Apple buys carbon offsets but 80% is real clean energy

Environmental lead Lisa Jackson has acknowledged in a podcast that Apple buys carbon offsets in order to hit its “100% carbon neutral” claim, but says that this is a relatively small proportion of the company’s total usage.

Interviewed on the Jane Goodall Hopecast, Jackson said that a lot of companies are satisfied with simply buying offsets, but that’s not Apple’s approach …

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Apple’s zero net emissions goal looks unlikely as TSMC 20 years behind schedule

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Apple’s zero net emissions goal for its supply chain is now looking unlikely to be met, as A-series and M-series chipmaker TSMC has set a much less ambitious target for itself.

Apple achieved net zero emissions for its own operations back in 2018, and has promised to do the same for its entire supply chain by 2030. However, TSMC doesn’t appear to be on board for this …

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Apple Earth Day initiatives: Appreciate planet’s beauty, learn about key issues, support worthy causes

Apple Earth Day initiatives

This year’s Apple Earth Day initiatives have been announced, alongside the company reminding us of its more recent actions and commitments on the environmental front.

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22, encouraging people to express their commitment to the environment through learning, volunteering, and charitable donations – and Apple always plays its own role in promoting the day …

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Apple Green Bond spend hits $2.8B; creating 1.2 gigawatts of clean energy

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The Apple Green Bond initiative has now helped create 1.2 gigawatts of clean energy, as Apple says it has allocated $2.8B of the $4.7B total raised. Some of the projects funded are directly linked to Apple, generating power for the company’s own data centers, while others are more general, feeding clean power into the grid.

A green bond is like a conventional bond, where a company raises money by selling paper that offers a fixed return by a fixed date, but where the proceeds are specifically earmarked for environmentally friendly projects …

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Apple not playing its part on electronic waste reduction, says UK

Daisy iPhone recycling robot is part of Apple's electronic waste reduction work

Apple has been accused of not playing its part in electronic waste reduction in a new report in the UK, despite initiatives like the iPhone recycling robot seen above.

The Cupertino company prides itself on its environmental stance, including specific programs designed to reduce the amount of electronic waste, but was called out for two practices …

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Apple investing in world’s largest onshore wind turbines to power data center

Apple invests in world's largest onshore wind turbines

Apple has announced that it is investing in the world’s largest onshore wind turbines as part of its commitment to becoming 100% carbon neutral by 2030. The company’s own operations achieved this back in 2018, but the expanded target incorporates Apple’s entire supply chain and product lifecycle.

The wind turbines will power one of the company’s data centers, with the excess power feeding into the national grid …

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Apple’s expanded carbon-neutral promise highlights workaround used to hit targets

Carbon-neutral workaround

Apple declared its own operations 100% carbon neutral back in 2018, and last month said that it would achieve the same thing for its entire supply chain by 2030.

That’s actually a far bigger promise, because Apple’s suppliers use more energy than the company itself. But steps toward this target have highlighted the workaround Apple uses to make its claims…

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Apple commits to being 100% carbon neutral for entire supply-chain by 2030

100% carbon neutral for Apple supply chain by 2030

Apple’s own operations have been 100% carbon neutral for more than two years, and received a UN award for this, but the company has today made a bold commitment for the same to be true of its entire supply-chain by 2030. The company is promoting this on its homepage, calling it ‘a planet-size plan.’

Apple started working on greening its supply-chain back in 2015, and VP Lisa Jackson provided an update last year.

The company said its commitment includes boosting its use of recycled materials and recycling of discarded products so that carbon neutrality applies to the complete life-cycle of all Apple products …


Apple’s Lisa Jackson appearing alongside the Pope and more for Earth Day Live

Earth Day Live April 22

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the annual focus on environmental initiatives, this year adopting a digital format as Earth Day Live. One of the slogans represents the determination that the day should be no less impactful for the lack of in-person events: Distance not silence.

The digital event will include personal video messages from actors, musicians, politicians and other public figures – including Apple’s environment head Lisa Jackson and the Pope …


Lisa Jackson explains how Apple balances innovation with sustainability in new interview

In a new in-depth interview with The Independent, Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environment, policy and social initiatives, offers new detail on the company’s renewable energy and other environmental efforts. Jackson explains how Apple works to consider the environmental impact that new innovations might have, across the entire scope of the company.


Lisa Jackson details how Apple is helping transition suppliers to clean energy

Earlier this week, Apple won a United Nation award for its use of 100 percent renewable energy as well as other climate change efforts. In a new interview with Fast Company, Apple’s VP of environmental, social, and policy initiatives, Lisa Jackson, explained more about how Apple is working with its supply chain partners to help them transition to renewable energy.


Apple wins United Nations award for use of 100% renewable energy and more

Apple wins United Nations award for environmental achievements

Apple has won one of 15 United Nations awards as part of the UN’s Global Climate Action program. The winners were described by the UN as ‘some of the world’s best and brightest solutions to climate change, led by communities, governments, businesses and organisations.’

“Announced amongst the backdrop of nations signalling their renewed determination to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, these awards shine a light on 15 incredible examples of scalable climate action around the world,” said Niclas Svenningsen, Manager of the UN Climate Change Global Climate Action Programme …


Apple’s China Clean Energy Fund invests in three wind farms, hits 10% of goal

China clean energy fund

The $300M China Clean Energy Fund – an environmental partnership between Apple and ten of its Chinese suppliers – has invested in three wind farms. The initiative is designed to help suppliers power their Apple production from 100% renewable energy.

Apple says that the fund is aiming to generate one gigawatt of renewable energy by 2022 and that these three farms will hit 10% of that goal…


Apple the largest US user of solar power, ahead of Amazon, Target, and Walmart

Apple the biggest US corporate user of solar power

Apple was the largest corporate user of solar power in the US last year, says a new industry report, underlining the Cupertino company’s environmental credentials.

U.S. businesses are increasingly turning to solar energy as a cost-effective means of powering their operations. As of 2018, Apple leads the nation with the most solar capacity installed, followed closely by Amazon, Target, Walmart and Switch …

