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Send texts, photos, videos, and audio messages — all from the Messages app

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scheduled iMessage feature

iMessage was announced by Scott Forstall at the WWDC keynote in 2011. When iOS 5 was released in October, it included a version of the messages app that had iMessage built-in. In early 2012, Apple announced that a new Messages app would be included in OS X Mountain Lion which was released on July 25, 2012.

By 2012, Tim Cook announced that over 300 billion messages had been sent using iMessage. In 2016, Eddie Cue announced that 200,000 iMessages were being sent every second. Apple also announced an App Store for the platform in 2016.

When Apple announced its messaging platform, mobile carriers were caught off guard as it took over SMS technology. One of the reasons it was initially so successful is that users didn’t realize they were using something new. The only visual change was that the messages went from green to blue. The box for typing message had a faint iMessage in the box before starting a message as well.

Since its release, Google has tried multiple times to create its own messaging service similar to iMessage, but it hasn’t been able to find the same success. Apple has been applauded for including end-to-end encryption in iMessage.

We use end-to-end encryption to protect your iMessage and FaceTime conversations across all your devices. With watchOS and iOS, your messages are encrypted on your device so that they can’t be accessed without your passcode. We designed iMessage and FaceTime so that there’s no way for us to decrypt your data when it’s in transit between devices. You can choose to automatically delete your messages from your device after 30 days or a year or to keep them on your device forever.

Third-party apps that use iMessage do not have access to participants’ actual contact information or conversations. iOS provides each app with a random identifier for each participant, which is reset when the app is uninstalled. iMessage and SMS messages are backed up on iCloud for your convenience, but you can turn iCloud Backup off whenever you want. And we never store the content of FaceTime calls on any servers.

In iOS 11.4, Apple released Messages in the Cloud. If you enable it, it keeps your entire message history updated and available on all your devices. If you purchase a new device, all of your conversations will be synced over as well.

Europe and Australia both back down on CSAM scanning that would break encryption

Governments back down on CSAM scanning | Close-up photo of eye

Both the EU and Australia have backed down on separate proposals to force tech companies to carry out CSAM scanning within messaging apps, which would have meant breaking end-to-end encryption.

It’s the latest development in the ongoing battle between tech companies and politicians who don’t understand how encryption works

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Not a fan of audio messages? Here’s how to adjust the playback speed in iMessage

iMessage audio messages

Audio messages can be very useful sometimes when you want to better express your feelings or simply don’t want to type a long text. However, not everyone likes listening to long audio messages. As an iMessage user, I’ve always missed an option to adjust the playback speed for audio messages – but it turns out that there is a way to do this.

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Feature Request: Make iPhone voice transcription a universal feature

iPhone voice transcription screengrab

iPhone voice transcription is already included in iMessage, and is available in some other chat apps – but not always for free. In Telegram, for example, you have to pay for a premium membership to get the feature.

The latest Bloomberg piece says that Apple is finally bringing audio transcription to the Voice Memo app, and this seems a perfect opportunity to make it a system-wide feature …

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Elizabeth Warren on green texts: Apple is ruining relationships

Elizabeth Warren on green texts | Screengrab with green text icon

Senator Elizabeth Warren has tweeted a somewhat bizarre one-minute video in which she says that green texts are “ruining relationships” and that this is “just one of the dirty tactics that Apple uses to keep a stranglehold on the smartphone market.”

Warren uses the to-camera piece to voice her support for the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit against Apple, but has chosen a rather peculiar argument to do so …

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DOJ antitrust lawsuit complains that iPhones are cool, says lawyer

DOJ antitrust lawsuit complains that iPhones are cool, says lawyer | Boxed iPhone 15 Pro

One element of the DOJ antitrust lawsuit against Apple addresses iMessage, and Apple’s decision to keep the app exclusive to iPhone. But it goes further than arguing that this is anti-competitive, and attacks the use of green chat bubbles for Android users as creating “social stigma.”

A lawyer commenting on this claim says that it effectively amounts to the Department of Justice complaining that people think the iPhone is cooler than Android phones …

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Apple launching quantum computer protection for iMessage with iOS 17.4, here’s what that means

iMessage quantum computer protection iOS 17.4

Security is a never-ending mission and today Apple has announced its latest innovation for protecting iMessage. Already live in the iOS 17.4 beta is an innovative post-quantum cryptographic protocol called PQ3. The novel upgrade gives iMessage “the strongest security properties of any at-scale messaging protocol in the world.” Here’s why iMessage quantum security is important now and into the future, how PQ3 works, and more.

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iMessage antitrust threat removed, as EU says it’s not a dominant service

iMessage RCS iPhone iOS 18 messages

The iMessage antitrust threat hanging over Apple has now been removed, as the EU decides that the messaging service does not have enough European users to qualify as a dominant service.

That means that Apple will not be required to support messaging interoperability, which would have allowed messages to be sent between competing chat apps …

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WhatsApp to support third-party chats due to EU regulations – is iMessage next?

WhatsApp iPhone

As part of the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation, big tech companies will be forced to change many of their services to comply with the new legislation. You’re probably already familiar with the upcoming changes to the App Store, but DMA will also affect messaging apps – and it looks like Meta has already been working on making WhatsApp compatible with third-party chats.

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WhatsApp has been getting more attention in the US – but can it overtake iMessage?

WhatsApp iPhone

iMessage is certainly one of the most popular messaging platforms in the US, which has resulted in long-standing discussion about its interoperability with non-Apple devices. While some users are waiting for the iPhone to get RCS support later this year, it seems that Meta has been taking advantage of this situation as WhatsApp’s daily active user base has grown in the U.S. But will it ever overtake iMessage?

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Apple tells EU it has five different App Stores, not just one

Five different App Stores | App icons depicted as physical building blocks

While Apple is making behind-the-scenes preparations for allowing third-party app stores to comply with Europe’s antitrust requirements, the company is continuing to make arguments about why it shouldn’t have to.

Latest among these is the suggestion that the App Store shouldn’t be viewed as a ‘platform’ as the company actually operates five different app stores …

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‘Most sophisticated’ iPhone attack chain ‘ever seen’ used four 0-days to create a 0-click exploit

apple zero-day exploit spyware security iOS macOS patches fixes

Between 2019 and December 2022, an extremely advanced iMessage vulnerability was in the wild that was eventually named “Operation Triangulation” by security researchers at Kasperksy who discovered it. Now, they’ve shared everything they know about the “most sophisticated attack chain” they’ve “ever seen.”

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Department of Justice investigating Apple blocking Beeper; FTC too

DOJ investigating Apple blocking Beeper | Police car

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is carrying out at least a preliminary antitrust investigation into Apple blocking Beeper, the unofficial app which gave Android users access to iMessage. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also appears to be “evaluating” Apple’s actions.

Today’s report follows a call for a DOJ investigation by a bipartisan group of senators, and Bleeper’s announcement that it has now given up any hope of keeping the app working …

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As Beeper Mini broken for most, lawmakers call for antitrust investigation

Beeper Mini broken, call for antitrust investigation | App shown on Android phone

Our sister site 9to5Google yesterday reported that Beeper Mini is now broken for most users – no longer allowing Android users to send and receive iMessages – after Apple took further steps to block the app.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is now calling on the Department of Justice to look into whether Apple’s action against the app amounts to “potentially anticompetitive conduct” …

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Apple faces antitrust criticism for blocking Beeper Mini: ‘Protecting profits by squashing competitors’

Last week, Beeper Mini debuted as a way to bring iMessage to Android without having to hand over your Apple ID credentials. A few days later, Apple made a change that stopped Beeper Mini from working – and it promised to continue doing so.

Apple’s decision has already attracted attention from at least one lawmaker, with US Senator Elizabeth Warren criticizing Apple’s move to shut down Beeper Mini.

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