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iOS 8 adoption

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iOS 8 adoption bumps up to 81% with help of Apple Watch

iOS 8.1.1

Update: 82% as of May 13.

More than 7 months after its official release, iOS 8 has now passed 80% adoption as a version of Apple’s latest mobile operating system is running on 81% of active devices, according to Apple’s App Store Distribution data. The new data puts iOS 8 up two points since this time two weeks ago. The remaining devices include 17% running a version of iOS 7, which is where the upgrades came from, while 2% of devices measured have iOS 6 or earlier.

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Apple says iOS 8 now on 68% of iPhones and iPads

iOS 8 adoption rate

Update 1/20: App Store Distribution Data updated today revealing iOS 8 adoption has climbed 1% from its previous measure at 68%. iOS 8 adoption now measures at 69% of active devices according to App Store data captured January 19th. The rate increase is in line with MixPanel’s increase to roughly 71% now up from roughly 70% toward the start of the month.

Apple has shared its latest App Store Distribution Data on iOS 8 adoption to report that some version of its current mobile operating system is installed on 68% of iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. Apple tracks the rate of iOS 8 adoption based on devices accessing the App Store with the current data being captured on January 5th, 2015.
