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Lisa Jackson

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Apple exec continues advocating in favor of ‘most vulnerable’ communities in new interview

Apple executive Lisa Jackson is well known by the Apple community for two reasons: announcing the end of the EarPods and power brick of the iPhone boxes and for advocating for a better world, fighting climate change, and empowering the communities that need help the most.

Now, in a new interview, the executive says that “you can’t separate justice from environmental health and environmental protection anymore.”

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Lisa Jackson says Apple buys carbon offsets, but 80% is real clean energy

Apple buys carbon offsets but 80% is real clean energy

Environmental lead Lisa Jackson has acknowledged in a podcast that Apple buys carbon offsets in order to hit its “100% carbon neutral” claim, but says that this is a relatively small proportion of the company’s total usage.

Interviewed on the Jane Goodall Hopecast, Jackson said that a lot of companies are satisfied with simply buying offsets, but that’s not Apple’s approach …

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Apple’s Lisa Jackson appearing alongside the Pope and more for Earth Day Live

Earth Day Live April 22

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the annual focus on environmental initiatives, this year adopting a digital format as Earth Day Live. One of the slogans represents the determination that the day should be no less impactful for the lack of in-person events: Distance not silence.

The digital event will include personal video messages from actors, musicians, politicians and other public figures – including Apple’s environment head Lisa Jackson and the Pope …


Tim Cook & Lisa Jackson join Michelle Obama to talk diversity, climate change, & more at WWDC

At the end of Apple’s keynote yesterday morning at WWDC, Tim Cook surprised attendees and announced that former first lady Michelle Obama would make an appearance at the developer conference. Earlier today, Michelle Obama, Cook, and Apple VP Lisa Jackson took the stage to discuss a wide range of topics, including empowerment, diversity in technology, and more.


Apple releases a new video showing off iPhone reincarnation with LIAM

Apple Earth Day 2017 LIAM Reincarnation

Apple has released a new environment focused video today in the same style as those shown off last month celebrating Earth Day. The previously shared videos discussed the company’s environmental efforts and the science behind it all. The comical illustrations featured Apple Execs like Vice President Lisa Jackson.


Union Square Apple Store hosting Al Gore and Lisa Jackson for Earth Day event this week

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Former Vice President Al Gore with Apple CEO Tim Cook and company

Apple is set to host former Vice President Al Gore and Apple Environment VP Lisa Jackson at an open event in San Francisco later this week. The duo will discuss environmental issues publicly at the Union Square Apple Store on Wednesday night ahead of Earth Day this Saturday.


Tim Cook introduces Al Gore’s new movie ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power’ in Silicon Valley

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Former vice president and current Apple board member Al Gore today debuted his new movie “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” in Silicon Valley. The movie comes as a sequel to the original film debuted in 2006.

In attendance of the debut in Silicon Valley today were Apple CEO Tim Cook and VP of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives Lisa Jackson…


Apple VP Lisa Jackson talks of sharing user data with government, but nothing new here folks

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WikiLeaks’ ongoing dump of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta have already offered a few insights relating to Apple and Tim Cook. The most recent dump, however, includes an email from Apple executive Lisa Jackson which may seem a little jarring to Apple customers at first because she is boasting about the thousands of times every month that Apple is sharing data with the government and the acknowledgement that, even with encryption, Apple devices still have some juicy morsels for law enforcement:

Thousands of times every month, we give governments information about Apple customers and devices, in response to warrants and other forms of legal process. We have a team that responds to those requests 24 hours a day. Strong encryption does not eliminate Apple’s ability to give law enforcement meta-data or any of a number of other very useful categories of data.

But keep in mind, there are over a billion Apple devices out there. The email was sent following Clinton voicing her opinion regarding encryption in the tech industry, but it is all stuff we’ve seen before…


Tim Cook hosts fundraiser for Hillary Clinton alongside environmental head Lisa Jackson


We reported last month that Apple CEO Tim Cook was to host a political fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and the event took place last night. Apple’s environmental initiatives VP Lisa Jackson – a board member of the Clinton Foundation charity – was also in attendance.

Attendees had to hand over anything from $2,700 to $50,000 to attend the event, which took place at a private residence in Los Altos, and a couple of them shared some photos and a short video clip …


Tim Cook reportedly hosting Hillary Clinton fundraiser next month following Paul Ryan event

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Apple CEO Tim Cook is reportedly hosting a political fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign next month, according to Buzzfeed. As the report notes, Cook will be hosting the event as a private citizen as Apple doesn’t have a political action committee like other companies, although Apple’s Lisa Jackson will also be in attendance. Jackson serves as the company’s VP of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives. While the fundraiser itself isn’t so much surprising for Cook, it does follow a prior political fundraiser hosted by Cook for Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan…


Apple SVP Lisa Jackson details Apple’s environmental effort including recycling program during event

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Lisa Jackson

Apple’s Vice President of environment, policy, and social initiatives, Lisa Jackson took to the stage to discuss the company’s latest numbers and initiatives in environmental protection. Jackson announced that 93% of its operations are running on renewable energy worldwide. A total of 23 countries, including United States and China are utilizing 100% renewable energy.


Malaysian Prime Minister meets w/ Apple to discuss opening R&D & app development centers

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In a blog post, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak detailed that he has recently met with Apple executives Jeff Williams and Lisa Jackson at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino. In addition to Apple, Razak also met with Tesla. The Prime Minister described the meeting with Apple on his blog, explaining that they discussed ideas such as research and development and education.


VP Lisa Jackson promoted to oversee all of Apple’s environmental, political, and social affairs

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Apple today has updated the biography of Lisa Jackson on its executive leadership webpage, noting that she is now Vice President of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives. Previously, Jackson was the VP of Environmental Initiatives only. The promotion will allow Jackson to take over leadership of all governmental affairs and public policy teams, according to Apple.


Apple Store signs around the world go green for Earth Day

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As part of Apple’s push for a greener environment, the company has changed up its physical signage outside Apple Stores around the world to celebrate Earth Day. The updated logos are mostly the same but the leaf section is tinted green. The celebration can be seen at Apple Stores worldwide.

Apple has also put the Apple logo with the green adornments in some places online, such as on its YouTube account. Apple’s homepage is currently dominated by its environmental initiatives for the occasion, with the launch of Apple Watch relegated to one of the smaller summary panels.


Apple partners with The Conservation Fund to protect 36,000 acres of forest for sustainable product packaging

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Through a press release and a post on Medium by Apple VP Lisa Jackson, Apple and The Conservation Fund have today announced a ‘breakthrough’ arrangement for sustainability. The deal involves Apple purchasing 36,000 acres of forest land in the eastern United States.

Apple will use the paper from the forests for sustainable product packaging with guarantees to ensure that “forests stay forests” and harvested timber is done so in a sustainable way.


Apple puts Environment VP Lisa Jackson in charge of boosting accessibility efforts

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Apple Watch Accessibility Settings

Apple told employees during a week at the flagship Berlin Apple Store in Germany that the company will increase its focus on product accessibility by putting executive Lisa Jackson in charge of the efforts, according to people in attendance. Asked by an Apple Store employee if the Apple Watch will include accessibility features, Cook reportedly replied:


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Apple provides facts & figures to support “greenest building on the planet” claims


After Tim Cook recently claimed at an environmental conference that its new ‘Spaceship’ headquarters would be “the greenest building on the planet,” Apple today provided (via Business Insider) a few illustrative facts and figures to support the claim.

For example, Cupertino law requires that construction sites reuse at least 75% of their demolished materials. Apple says it’s using over 90% of the old headquarters in building the new one.

This includes recycling all of the concrete from its present headquarters to form part of the foundations of the new campus. Trees cleared from the construction site are being turned into lumber for use in the building.

Once completed, Apple says that not only will 100 percent of its energy come from renewable sources (Apple is building a large solar farm at the site), but that the unique design of the structure means it will require far less energy to run than a conventional building.

The new HQ will also save money on heating and cooling. Apple says the building will have natural ventilation for 75% of the year.

While these are just a few snippits, we’re likely to hear more as construction work progresses.

Apple places a high priority on its environmental credentials, hiring former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson to oversee environmental issues, building a dedicated microsite for environmental responsibility, releasing an Earth Day video narrated by Tim Cook, and running press ads calling on other companies to follow its example.

Apple releases promised diversity data: 55% white in US, 7 out of 10 male

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Following Apple CEO Tim Cook’s announcement last month that the company would soon begin providing diversity data, today the company is releasing its first report. While disclosing numbers on the gender and ethnicity of its employees, CEO Tim Cook has also published a letter alongside the report on the company’s website (full version below).

In the letter, Cook highlights some of the progress the company has made in recent years, but also notes that he’s “not satisfied with the numbers” and that Apple plans to do more to improve them. 
