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Netflix now lets you share screenshots of your favorite moments from a movie or show

Netflix now lets you share screenshots of your favorite moments from a movie or show

Pretty much every video streaming platform has DRM-protected content, which aims to prevent users from distributing copyrighted material. Unfortunately, this also means that users can’t easily share screenshots of specific moments of something they’re watching with others – but Netflix is introducing a new feature that will change that.

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Netflix members with older subscriptions might get cut off if they don’t update


Update (Feb. 27 at 5:53 p.m. ET): Netflix says that this change impacts subscribers of the Basic plan in certain countries, including the United States and Canada.

Netflix is severing ties with Apple’s App Store billing system for good. Netflix stopped allowing new and rejoining subscribers to sign up with App Store billing back in 2018, but Netflix subscribers who were paying through Apple at the time were allowed to continue doing so. Now, that’s finally about to change.

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Vision Pro apps: Why some big brands have actively opted out

Vision Pro apps | Apple promo image on a plane

With pre-orders open, we know which of Apple’s Vision Pro apps will be pre-installed – but we also know some major third-party apps have no current plans to support the device.

While there’s still time for things to change, it’s already clear that some developers have made a deliberate decision to stay off Vision Pro, going so far as to block their iPad apps from running. That’s likely for three reasons …

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