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New iPad Pro display struggles to display some shades of blue

The OLED screen is the headline feature of the shiny new iPad Pro, but it seems that a little more software tweaking may be needed. Testing by one reviewer found that the device struggles to display certain shades of blue.

Specifically, HDR highlights are blown out, appearing almost white, in a problem the report says is replicable on the 13-inch iPad Pro …

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New iPad Pro demand likely to be low for two reasons – TrendForce

New iPad Pro demand | Seen here with Magic Keyboard

You might expect the introduction of the first OLED screens and uber-thin form factor to result in strong iPad Pro demand, but a new forecast from market intelligence company TrendForce suggests it may actually be lower than last year.

The company predicts that total shipments of the latest iPad Pro models “will only reach between 4.5 to 5 million units in 2024” – which would be down on 2023. It gives two reasons for this pessimistic picture …

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Apple reportedly using the best OLED panels on the market for 2024 iPad Pro

OLED iPad Pro 4TB rumor (existing model shown)

It’s no secret by now that Apple will soon be announcing a new generation iPad Pro featuring OLED displays for the first time in both screen sizes. However, as the announcement nears, we now have more details about what to expect – and a new report claims that Apple is using the best OLED panels on the market for the 2024 iPad Pro.

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OLED iPad production underway in run-up to reported spring launch

OLED iPad production | Colorful wallpaper shown

A new supply-chain report says that OLED iPad production is now underway. LG is said to have recently started manufacturing displays for the 13-inch iPad Pro, with OLED panels for the 11-inch model expected to begin any day now.

Samsung is reportedly beginning its own production of OLED iPad panels sometime this week, as we approach a reputed spring launch …

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2024 iPad Pro reports don’t yet tempt me to upgrade [Diary]

2024 iPad Pro reports | Existing models shown

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman again indicated that 2024 will see a “major update” to the iPad Pro lineup. This follows his earlier report saying much the same thing, though with less detail.

He described this as a much-needed move, given that we’ve seen no significant since the redesign, which launched back in 2018 – but even this report isn’t tempting me to upgrade …

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Advanced iPad Pro OLED screen reports boosted by LG news

Advanced iPad Pro OLED | Wallpaper

We’ve been hearing consistent reports that the first iPad Pro OLED screens will use an advanced process designed to make them brighter, as well as boosting their longevity. This is backed today by a new report that LG has now reached a new milestone in its work on the screen tech for Apple, following Samsung’s lead.

We’re expecting the first iPad OLED screens to differ from iPhone ones in two main ways …

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All four iPhone 15 OLED screens will use latest materials, not just Pro models

iPhone 15 OLED

A new supply chain report says that all four iPhone 15 OLED screens will use the latest generation of materials. For the iPhone 14, only the Pro models received the latest-gen Samsung tech, while the base models got the previous generation.

It’s important to stress that the report concerns the core materials used in the creation of the iPhone 15 OLED panels, with two features still expected to be reserved for the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max …

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Samsung OLED production to get $3B investment in run-up to iPads and MacBooks

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Samsung OLED production is likely to see dramatically increased demand as Apple makes the shift to OLED iPads and MacBooks – and has won government support for a $3B investment in its manufacturing capacity for the panels.

We’re expecting the next product to make the shift from LCD and mini-LED to be an iPad Pro, in the first half of next year …

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OLED iPad Pro and MacBook Pro screens are now an official project for Apple supplier

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We’ve long been expecting a switch to OLED iPad Pro screens, with MacBook Pro models to follow, and a new supply chain report says that the project has now been made official for an Apple supplier.

It says that Apple has asked “a domestic display company” to develop the panels – almost certainly a reference to Samsung, though LG will likely be a secondary supplier …

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First OLED MacBook next year ‘at the earliest’; expect thinner and lighter models

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Two noted analysts have somewhat different views on when we can expect to see the first OLED MacBook. Display analyst Ross Young recently doubled down on 2024 as the year, but while Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo agrees this could happen, he doesn’t see it as a certainty.

Kuo says that Apple will launch an OLED MacBook “by the end of 2024 at the earliest” …

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iPhone 14 Pro display longevity concerned Apple, but precautions were taken

iPhone 14 Pro display with cutout

Apple was concerned that the longevity of the iPhone 14 Pro display could potentially be put at risk from moisture and oxygen making its way into the panel during production, according to a supply chain report.

Apple reportedly asked its display maker Samsung to change part of its intended production process in order to reduce the risk …

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Samsung is reportedly the largest supplier of OLED displays for iPhone 14

iPhone 14 ratings drop

Apple works with a wide range of suppliers to make millions of units of iPhones, iPads, and other products. And when it comes to displays, it has been a while since the company has been using Samsung OLED displays for the iPhone. According to a recent The Elec report, Samsung Display is expected to account for 70% of the OLED panels used by Apple for the iPhone 14 models by the end of the year.

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First OLED iPad expected to use hybrid screen to avoid visible warping [U: Fresh report]

First OLED iPad | iPad Pro held in hand above desk

Update: A new report backs the original, stating that Apple is using a new supplier – Taiwan SMT. See brief update below.

It’s still not clear exactly when we can expect to see the first OLED iPad; recent estimates have ranged from 2023 to 2026. But a new supply chain report today suggests that Apple is concerned that the type of OLED used in the Apple Watch and iPhone may not scale well to the iPad …

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OLED iPad screen will reportedly use twin-layer tech, for brighter display and longer life

OLED iPad screen | Drawing a flower on an iPad Pro

We’ve already had one recent OLED iPad screen report speculating on the type of display Apple will use, and today we get another.

This one suggests that the OLED iPad will adopt an advanced new twin-layer design, and Apple display suppliers Samsung and LG are both said to be making plans to produce the new panels …

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