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US carriers now enabling RCS for iPhone users running iOS 18 beta 2

iMessage RCS iPhone iOS 18 messages

As we reported yesterday, Apple has been getting ready to roll out RCS support on the iPhone with iOS 18. However, doing so also requires mobile carriers to work on an update on their part – something that some US carriers have already done. Now it seems that these carriers have flipped the switch and are now enabling RCS for users running the latest iOS 18 beta.

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iOS 18 brings RCS to the iPhone, but you might not be able to use it anytime soon

iMessage RCS iPhone iOS 18 messages

As announced by Apple at WWDC 2024, iOS 18 officially brings support for RCS – or Rich Communication Services – to the iPhone. However, as we previously reported, the feature doesn’t seem to be available to beta users. Unfortunately, iOS 18 beta users might have to wait a bit longer before they can enable RCS on their iPhone.

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RCS is coming to iOS, but will it change anything for most iPhone users?

iMessage RCS

It’s official: Apple will add support for the RCS messaging standard in iOS. This won’t happen until the end of next year, and we don’t have many details about how Apple will implement RCS. In the meantime, we can reflect on the impact this will have on Android and iPhone users – and honestly, I don’t think it will be as huge as people might think.

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Samsung’s bizarre new ad pressures Apple to support RCS: ‘We’re bubbles too’

iMessage RCS

Samsung is apparently joining Google’s ongoing “Get The Message” ad campaign calling on Apple to adopt RCS. In a new ad posted to YouTube this week, Samsung claims that “green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together.”

RCS is the open messaging standard created by Google to replace SMS and offers a handful of iMessage-style features. Apple, however, isn’t keen on adopting the open standard.

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Picture of phone with Google Messages in front of iPhone

Messaging is no longer Android’s mess, it’s an iPhone problem: Talking RCS with Hiroshi Lockheimer

A few weeks ago, at MWC 2023, I had an opportunity to sit down with Hiroshi Lockheimer, senior vice president of Platforms and Ecosystems at Google, to talk about RCS messaging. While there was not a lot into the future of what Google is planning with Google Messages and RCS as a protocol, I did get a good look into how RCS came to be and how Google sees it.

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Google Apple RCS campaign

Google starts ‘Get The Message’ campaign to pressure Apple into RCS on the iPhone

For the past year, Google has been increasingly calling out Apple for not adopting RCS (Rich Communication Services) on the iPhone. Meant to replace SMS/MMS, it has a number of technical advancements that would improve the messaging experience between Android and iOS users. Google is now launching a “Get The Message” pressure campaign in hopes that Apple will change its mind on RCS.

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google messages rcs chat

Comment: iOS should support RCS, but Apple has no incentive to make iMessage work with Android

Over the past year, Google has publicly pressured Apple to support Rich Communication Services. The latest salvo this weekend was the harshest yet, but RCS on the iPhone is not the panacea to Google’s historical messaging woes, nor will support lead to a transformatively better experience for Android users when interacting with their iPhone counterparts.

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google messages rcs android enable

Google exec gives harshest rebuke yet of iMessage lock-in effect in push for RCS on iOS

Hiroshi Lockheimer oversees all of Google’s operating systems as Senior Vice President of Platforms and Ecosystems. In recent years, he has been very critical of Apple not supporting the RCS standard to make iOS messaging more interoperable with Android, and the latest salvo on iMessage is the harshest yet.

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google messages rcs chat

Google gently pushes Apple to adopt RCS by pointing out the poor security of SMS fallback

Messaging has always been a tough point for Android phones compared to iPhones simply because iMessage is, put simply, very good both for its experience and its security. As Google finally solves that problem with expanded adoption of RCS with end-to-end encryption, the company is pushing for its rival, Apple, to do the same by pointing out that the current fallback method instantly drops security.

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