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T-Mobile unlimited plans: Forced migration now completely abandoned [U]

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Update: In an earnings call, CEO Mike Sievert told investors and analysts that the idea has now been completely abandoned – statement below.

A reported move regarding some older T-Mobile unlimited plans got the carrier into hot water, and the company’s CEO said that it never intended to proceed with this – rather, it was just carrying out a small-scale test. But even the test has now been abandoned …

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Tens of millions of teens want parents to track them, finds survey

Teens want parents to track them | Apple's Find My app

Tens of millions of teens actively want their parents to track their locations using tech like Apple’s Find My and third-party apps like Life360, says a new survey.

More broadly, the survey reports on Gen Z – representing those aged 11 to 26 – being more anxious than previous generations, and having a different mindset to location tracking …

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Almost half of TSMC Arizona plant hires are from Taiwan; full expansion ‘unlikely’

TSMC Arizona plant hires – half from Taiwan | Stylized image of printed circuit boards

When Apple chipmaker TSMC was granted federal subsidies for building its first US plant, creating jobs for American workers was one of the key arguments. But with hiring well underway, a new report says that almost half of the TSMC Arizona plant hires are from Taiwan.

Additionally, plans for a six-step expansion program – intended to allow the Arizona plant to rival the production volumes of those in Taiwan – are now said to be unlikely to proceed ….

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Phone call via satellite using ordinary smartphone, in next step beyond Emergency SOS

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Sure, current iPhones can send data via satellites in emergencies, but two new demonstrations show that we might soon be able to routinely make voice phone calls via satellite connectivity. You can watch the call and 5G demo in the video below.

The test phone call – along with a separate 5G data download – was made from Maui, Hawaii, to Madrid using a new low Earth orbit satellite …

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Digital Services Act comes into force today – hard to tell whether Apple is complying

Digital Services Act | Apple App Store promo graphic

Update: In a statement to 9to5Mac, Apple said:

“The App Store was designed to be a safe and trusted place for users to download apps, and the goals of the DSA align with Apple’s goals to protect consumers from illegal and harmful content. We are working to implement the requirements of the DSA with user privacy and security as our continued North Star.”

We learned back in April that Apple was one of 19 companies that would be subject to the Digital Services Act. The law comes into force today, and it’s not clear whether or not the iPhone maker is complying.

Indeed, many are saying that this is the big problem with the act: There’s a lot of subjectivity involved in determining whether a company is breaking the law, making enforcement tricky …

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US Cyber Trust Mark will boost smart home security, says White House

Will Apple support US Cyber Trust Mark | Apple product range with Home app

The White House has announced a plan intended to improve the security of smart home tech. The government will test everything from smart speakers to Wi-Fi routers, awarding a US Cyber Trust Mark logo to products which pass the tests.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will set the standards to be met, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will manage the program …

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Evernotes layoffs | App with rainy background

Evernote layoffs announced after sale of company; relocates to Europe

Evernote layoffs are the latest victim of the tech downturn, which has seen significant numbers of jobs lost over the course of the past year.

Other tech companies to have made layoffs include Clubhouse, Meta, Plex, and Sonos, with even 3-trillion-dollar Apple laying off contractors, and CEO Tim Cook not ruling out cuts in permanent workers too …

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Supreme Court affirmative action ruling will hurt us, argues Apple

Supreme Court affirmative action ruling | Stylized Apple logo from WWDC

A Supreme Court affirmative action ruling that bans race-conscious admissions into higher education will end up hurting US companies, and the economy as a whole – according to Apple and many other US brands.

An amicus brief arguing in favor of continued affirmative action by colleges was filed by Apple, Adobe, Airbnb, Cisco, Dell, Google, Ikea, Intel, Lyft, PayPal, Salesforce, Uber, and many other major corporations …

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FTC proposes new ‘Click to Cancel’ requirements for managing subscriptions

Cancel subscriptions on iPhone

The Federal Trade Commission in the United States has proposed a handful of changes that it says will make it easier for consumers to cancel recurring subscriptions and memberships. The FTC believes that its “Click to Cancel” provisions “would go a long way to rescuing consumers from seemingly never-ending struggles to cancel unwanted subscription payment plans.”

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TikTok algorithm to be more transparent, after concerns about harmful recommendations [U]

Update: TikTok says it is today launching a new tool to provide greater transparency on how videos are added to a user’s feed. For any video, you can tap the Share panel then the question-mark icon called “Why this video?”. So far, it appears only very generic reasons are being offered – like “This video is popular in the United States” – but the company is promising greater granularity later

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Smartphone slump will continue into 2023, says Apple supplier, but high-end phones may be okay

Smartphone slump | iPhone in colored lighting

Maruta Manufacturing – which makes components for a wide range of companies, including Apple – says it expects the current smartphone slump to continue into 2023.

It predicts that consumers will hold onto their existing phones for even longer periods than they do now, though suggests that high-end phones may be the exception …

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