
Inside Apple Car: Jony Ive’s design, Federighi’s skepticism, the ‘jogger incident,’ more

By Chance Miller

Apple’s self-driving car development efforts, codenamed Project Titan, have been well-documented over the years. Project Titan has gone through numerous leadership changes, shifts in strategy, and more.

Apple Car turmoil According to the report, Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, is a noted skeptic of Apple’s Project Titan.

Federighi is not directly involved in the Apple Car’s development but has reportedly voiced his concerns privately to some other executives at Apple.

The report goes on to note that Tim Cook is only overseeing the project from afar and “rarely visits” the offices of Project Titan in Santa Clara, California.

Some employees told The Information that Cook’s distant leadership has hurt the project, which lacks a “singular figure who can clearly define and articulate what the product should be.”

Cook has also been “unwilling to commit to mass projection of a vehicle,” the report says, frustrating some senior executives working on Project Titan.
