Working towards a just transition

The Public Sector Loan Facility (PSLF) is the third pillar of the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), along with the Just Transition Fund and the just transition scheme under InvestEU. With the contribution of EUR1.525 billion for the grant component from the Union budget (including assigned revenues) and EIB lending of EUR10 billion from its own resources, the aim is for the Public Sector Loan Facility to mobilise between EUR25 and 30 billion in public investment over the 2021-2027 period. Funding will be available to all Member States, focusing on projects located in or benefiting a territory identified in an adopted territorial just transition plan.

The EIB provides advisory support in the preparation, development and implementation of investment projects eligible for grant funding and EIB lending from the Public Sector Loan Facility. Grants/loans will support investments in, for example, efficient district heating grids, renewable energy, and green and sustainable mobility, retraining and social infrastructure, energy efficiency implementation (i.e. renovation of old buildings), urban renewal .
