صورة غلاف ‏MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants‏‏
MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants

MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants

الخدمات القانونية

‏Dubai‏، ‏World Trade Center‏ ‏١٬٩٩٣‏ ‏متابع‏

Mohamed Al Linjawi Advocates and Legal Consultants office was established in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates.

نبذة عنا

Mohamed Al Linjawi Advocates and Legal Consultants office was established in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates. We are considered one of the most influential and important firms in the market. We are well-known for our exquisite and remarkable legal services that we offer to our clients. Our success in the market is a result of our deep knowledge and long experience in the legal field. It is also attributed to our proficiency and continuous dedication to our clients. We aim to offer our clients more than simple legal advice: to provide support upon request, both in word and deed, in every life circumstance. Our goal is not just to be a service provider, but a strong partner and enabler. Consequently, in addition to business and legal advice, we also offer support to our clients which includes both business and private circumstances and extends far beyond merely legal questions. Having regard to your interests and objectives, we devise possible approaches in terms of implementation whereby you, the client, are kept constantly involved in the process and contribute to shaping it; the decisions on the path we take lie with you. Therefore, we remain open to changes of direction, for a rigid concept can rarely do justice to the requirements of strong individuals.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
الخدمات القانونية
حجم الشركة
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المقر الرئيسي
Dubai, World Trade Center
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المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants


  • أعاد MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants نشر هذا

    عرض ملف ‏Mohamed Nagib‏ الشخصي

    Arbitrator | Legal Director

    نجح فريق عمل MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants بالأخص المستشار / محمد صلاح في تحقيق حكم قضائي لصالح موكلنا وأشقائه، بإعادة ملكية قطعة أرض تبلغ 60 مليون درهم، وذلك بعد نزاع قانوني استمر لسنوات طويلة. الأرض تم الاستيلاء عليها بشكل غير قانوني من قبل المدعى عليه منذ 30 عامًا، الذي قام بتسييجها والبناء عليها واستغلالها بشكل كامل دون علم أو موافقة الملاك الشرعيين. مع اكتشاف موكلينا لأفعال المدعى عليه للأرض في عام 2021، باشر فريقنا القانوني العمل على إثبات حقوقهم. القضية تضمنت العديد من التحديات، أبرزها ادعاء المدعى عليه بامتلاكه عقد بيع مؤرخ في عام 1989 زعم أنه أُبرم مع والد المدعين. قام فريقنا القانوني بالطعن على صحة هذا العقد، حيث أثبت تقرير خبرة فنية أن التوقيع المنسوب لوالد الملاك يختلف عن توقيعاته الرسمية، مما أكد أن العقد مزوّر وغير قانوني. بناءً على جهودنا القانونية، قضت المحكمة ببطلان عقد البيع المزعوم، كما قضت المحكمة بإلزام المدعى عليه برد الأرض لموكلينا خالية من الشواغل. MTA Mohammed Allinjawi Advocates & Legal Consultants under the leadership of Senior Legal Counsel Mohamed Salah, successfully obtained a court ruling in favor of our client and their siblings, restoring ownership of a 60 million AED property after a decades-long dispute. The property had been unlawfully occupied by the opponent for over 30 years, during which time the opponent fenced built upon, and exploited the land without the knowledge or consent of the lawful owners. Upon discovering the opponent's actions in 2021, our legal team undertook a detailed investigation to establish our client’s rights. The opponent relied on a purported 1989 sale agreement allegedly signed by the plaintiffs’ late father. Our team successfully challenged the document’s validity, with expert analysis proving discrepancies in the signature, confirming the document was forged. The court ruled to nullify the fraudulent sale agreement and ordered the opponent to return the land to our clients free of encumbrances. This judgment affirms the rightful ownership of our clients and underscores our firm’s dedication to achieving justice and safeguarding client interests. The case presented significant challenges, particularly the defendant’s claim of possessing a 1989 sale agreement allegedly signed with the our clients’ father. Our team contested the validity of this document, presenting expert findings that conclusively proved discrepancies between the signature on the alleged contract and the father's verified signatures. This confirmed the document was forged and held no legal validity. Thanks to our meticulous efforts and strategic advocacy, the court ruled in favor of our clients, nullifying the fraudulent sale agreement. Furthermore, the court ordered the opponent to return the land to its rightful owners, free of any encumbrances. This victory highlights our firm’s unwavering commitment to justice and our ability to navigate complex legal challenges to protect our clients' rights.

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    عرض ملف ‏Mohamed Nagib‏ الشخصي

    Arbitrator | Legal Director

    Sports Arbitration: El Zamalek Sporting Club v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) | CAS 2022/A/8785 The dispute between Zamalek Sporting Club (ZSC) and Sporting Clube de Portugal (Sporting Lisbon) serves as a significant reminder of the critical importance of compliance with arbitration awards in international sports. The case originated from financial obligations owed by Zamalek to Sporting Lisbon, stemming from the transfer of a player. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) had previously issued a final and binding award ordering Zamalek to pay USD 510,015 plus interest to Sporting Lisbon. However, Zamalek failed to meet its payment obligations, leading Sporting Lisbon to escalate the matter to FIFA's Disciplinary Committee. FIFA subsequently imposed a CHF 30,000 fine on Zamalek as a sanction for its non-compliance. In response, Zamalek challenged the fine, citing external factors such as the 2016 Egyptian economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic as reasons for its inability to fulfill its financial obligations. Zamalek failed to provide adequate evidence demonstrating that these circumstances made compliance impossible. Economic hardship alone, the Arbitrator noted, does not exempt an entity from fulfilling binding obligations, particularly when no causal link is established between the hardship and non-payment. In addressing Zamalek's argument that the CHF 30,000 fine was disproportionate, the Arbitrator upheld the sanction, finding it consistent with FIFA’s disciplinary code and previous case precedents. The fine was deemed reasonable and appropriate given the gravity of Zamalek’s breach. Ultimately, the CAS ruled against Zamalek, affirming FIFA’s disciplinary measures and ordering the club to pay the original amount of USD 510,015 with applicable interest to Sporting Lisbon, the CHF 30,000 fine to FIFA, and the procedural costs associated with the arbitration. This case sheds light on the delicate balance between the financial realities faced by clubs and their legal responsibilities. While the economic challenges presented by Zamalek are understandable, they do not absolve the club of its duty to respect binding agreements. The ruling not only reaffirms the authority of arbitration in global sports but also underscores the need for clubs to adopt financial discipline and proactive strategies to avoid similar pitfalls. In an increasingly professionalized sports environment, maintaining trust in legal mechanisms is essential for preserving fairness and order in the industry. #FIFA #Arbitration

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    شرط التحكيم بين الالتزام والتوازن مع العدالة التحكيم هو وسيلة لتسوية النزاعات ترتكز على مبدأ الإرادة الحرة للأطراف المتعاقدة، ما يجعله استثناءً عن القواعد العامة في التقاضي أمام المحاكم. هذه الطبيعة الاستثنائية تشكل الأساس الذي لا يُلزم سوى الأطراف الذين ارتضوا هذا المسار، الأمر الذي يعكس حرص النظام القانوني على احترام مبدأ العقد شريعة المتعاقدين. مع ذلك، يبقى التحكيم مقيدًا بحدود تمنعه من تجاوز إطار العدالة العامة، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بأطراف غير موقعة على اتفاق التحكيم. في الحالات التي تضم نزاعات متعددة الأطراف، يُثار تساؤل أساسي: كيف يمكن تطبيق شرط التحكيم دون الإخلال بمبدأ وحدة النزاع وحسن سير العدالة؟ من المقرر قانونًا أن التحكيم، بصفته طريقًا خاصًا، لا يجوز أن يُفرض على طرف لم يرتضِ الخضوع له. هذه القاعدة تزداد تعقيدًا في النزاعات غير القابلة للتجزئة، حيث تتطلب العدالة النظر في النزاع أمام جهة واحدة لتجنب صدور أحكام متناقضة. من هنا، يظهر التحدي المتمثل في تحقيق التوازن بين الالتزام بشرط التحكيم وبين حماية مبدأ وحدة النزاع. العدالة تفرض أحيانًا أن يكون القضاء هو الجهة الأنسب للنظر في هذه النزاعات، باعتباره صاحب الولاية العامة، بينما يبقى التحكيم استثناءً محدودًا بالإرادة التعاقدية. إن حماية حقوق الأطراف التي لم تكن جزءًا من اتفاق التحكيم تعتبر أمرًا جوهريًا لتحقيق العدالة، خاصة عندما تكون الأطراف الموقعة وغير الموقعة جزءًا من علاقة تعاقدية متشابكة. في هذه الحالات، تتحول الأولوية إلى منع تجزئة النزاع، حتى لو أدى ذلك إلى تقييد نطاق شرط التحكيم.

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    عرض ملف ‏Mohamed Nagib‏ الشخصي

    Arbitrator | Legal Director

    The Virtual Lawyer: A New Era or Unfair Competition? The recent announcement of the AI-powered "Virtual Lawyer" has sparked positive discussion among legal professionals. While some view it as an essential tool to support legal practice, others worry about unfair competition and the potential dominance of AI in this noble profession. This new development raises important questions about the future of the legal profession. Law firms now face the challenge of adapting to technological advancements while preserving the human elements that make this profession indispensable — such as ethical judgment, client communication, and courtroom advocacy. Ultimately, success in this new era depends on finding the right balance between innovation and the core values that define the legal profession to stay competitive and avoid the fate of giants like Nokia and Kodak, law firms must adapt to AI advancements while preserving the core human values of the profession. The future lies in leveraging AI as a supportive tool, not a replacement. Let’s embrace innovation while maintaining the integrity of our practice. Explore my latest insights on Emarat Al Youm for an in-depth take on this topic [ https://lnkd.in/djGhuWB6 ]

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    عرض ملف ‏Mohamed Nagib‏ الشخصي

    Arbitrator | Legal Director

    Payment Orders in UAE: An Efficient Legal Solution for Debt Recovery In any thriving economy, swift and efficient mechanisms for debt recovery are fundamental to ensuring trust and stability. One of the most effective legal tools in this regard is Payment Order—a judicial remedy designed to expedite the collection of uncontested debts. This streamlined process reflects UAE’s commitment to fostering a secure, transparent, and efficient business environment for investors and commercial entities. The importance of Payment Orders lies in their ability to offer a rapid resolution for creditors facing delays or defaults in payment. By enabling the issuance of an order within days, creditors are afforded timely protection of their financial rights without resorting to lengthy litigation. In a market where deferred payments are a common practice, this tool ensures the integrity of commercial transactions and supports uninterrupted business operations. As highlighted in my recent article published by Emirates Today, which you can access from this link (https://lnkd.in/dTgPnCP7), the effectiveness of this remedy is evident in its widespread adoption. More than 12,000 Payment Orders were issued within the first three years of implementation, involving claims exceeding AED 1 billion. This demonstrates the confidence businesses place in this legal instrument and its role in maintaining financial discipline and commercial stability. #Law #UAE

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