Find your Flow. 👩🚀 Daniel Butterfield
We all love to feel capable, focused and engaged, but how do we consistently enter periods of time when you feel like you are in the zone? This is something we speak about with our clients at good do we create environments for high-performance and spaces for people to do their best work? how can we get into the 'flow state'? The concept of 'flow', a state of deep immersion and optimal performance, was introduced by a psychologist (Csikszentmihayli) and is often described as the sweet spot where skill and challenge intersect allowing us to perform at our best. The pursuit of mastery, through continuous learning and overcoming challenges is as key a factor of any in achieving flow. As we push our limits and refine our skills we not only experience greater satisfaction but unlock a mental state that leads to peak productivity and creativity 🤯. People leaders should focus on fostering conditions for 'flow': ⭐ Challenging yet Achievable Goals, design roles and tasks where challenges align with employees' skills, pushing them slightly beyond their comfort zones to keep them engaged. ⭐ Opportunities for Mastery, encourage continuous learning and skill development, enabling employees to refine their abilities and tackle complex tasks confidently. ⭐ Intrinsic Motivation, cultivate a culture where employees are motivated by the joy of growth and contribution, rather than solely by outcomes. By aligning tasks with individual capabilities and encouraging growth, managers can help employees achieve flow, driving engagement and in turn exceptional performance. 🚀